
New Member
i'm now the proud owner of a rangey rover classic. Do i have to buy me a tweed jacket now as well cos it's already started emptying my pockets what with going to collect it on sunday with a trailer and a mates fraud maverick. Plus i've got to mot it yet, anything i. Should look out for?
Welcome newbie Ranger,

Great car and yes you will need to buy tweeds, but only from The Edinburgh Mills shops.

Check for rust........
When you have time, remove the front carpets and check for holes in the floorpan, check also for rust where the rear seatbelt anchors go through the wheel arch and get underneath and check the sills along the full length also the outer sills under the plastic capping, then open the bonnet and check for holes in the inner wheel arches particularly under the wiring loom between the ignition coil and the outer wing. Also the rear cross member just forward of the rear bumper, The brackets rust through where the body mounts on to the chassis. Exhaust brackets and u bolts etc.

What Classic do you have and how well does she run ?

Good luck to you

it's a 1988 3.5efi auto, apparently the sills have already been replaced so just gotta double check all the other rusting places, sounds like there's a fair few. Good runner with good auto box, fingers crossed it's not too bad.
Good luck with your classic.

A word of wizdom....

Only use genuine Lucas spares on the ignitiion system as non genuine parts are known to give trouble and can be a devil to sort out.
Price spares from the net as well as from a local Land Rover dealer as some spares are cheaper from Land Rover. Very Strange
Hope she's a beaut !!!

GENUINE only, even if it means delaying the jacket for a while :)
Cheers guys for the words of wisdom, it'll be genuine all the way then, i'm lookin forward to spending sh'loads on petrol, you can't beat the sound of a v8.
I get my tweeds from Hoggs of Fife. Don't be overlooking moleskin trousers either for the full effect.
blimey guvnor it's turned into a tweed advice thread, i'd Better do some research before gettin the rangie, i didnt know it was a necessity flat caps and walkin sticks obligatory too then! Spose i should get me a labrador too and go the whole hog.
Pipe or cigar? Which is more suited to a RR?

Cigar, definately.

Preferably rolled on the thighs of a not-so-reliable virgin.

That's probably the nearest thing you'll get to perfection with a Rangie. When it's right, it's brilliant, but when there's bad news sometimes you just really don't wanna know. Even so, you still go back for more just on the off chance you'll get one of those brilliant days again.

I've tried to get rid of the Range Rover bug so often, but once it's in the bloodstream it'll never leave you alone. Currently on Range Rover number 10, and loving it, but financially it's heading for divorce.
also make sure that the tweed jackets have the leatherette elbow patches. you have also forgot to get the silk neck scarf, normaly red, worn under a lumber jack style shirt.

knee high riding boots and a riding crop and monical mmmmm nice :eek:

oh god your Crith ewethbankth:eek: :eek:
Im surprised that no one has mentioned green wellies!

got to get a pair of green wellies other wise people will think you stolen it!
I find a cocker spaniel fits in my boot nicely, got to be in a cage though otherwise trim gets chewed - can't afford a Holland & Holland (gun or RR), so I'm see myself as more of a beater than a shooter.
One simply gets the butler to do ones running too and fro. Always make sure you dont run into too many peasants:D

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