
New Member
Good afternoon every1,
I've just registered to use this forum and figured I should introduce myself.

My name is Stephen (prefer Steve tho) and I am an Alcoholic.

Ooops, wrong forum!!

My name IS Steve, and I am not an alchoholic! What I am addicted to however is spending money on my recently aquired Discovery:) .

I am the proud owner of a 1992 3dr 200tdi engined BEAST, but she is a bit poorly at the moment, needing the brake system over hauling and a few other bits and pieces doing before she gets a clean bill of health.

Luckily being a Marine Engineer in the Army i know one end of a spanner from the other and will be able to do most of the work myself, but time is limited and it may take a while!

Any who, I'll leave it there (gotta go and have some dinner now) I hope o get to know some of you in due course.
Eyup blakey1984 and welcome to the forum, I reckon you'll be fine in here chap. Sorry can't resist it............."I hate you Butler!!!!!!!!!!!"

Regards WP.
Passed with flying colours, glad too see there's a sense of humour.
Welcome again blakey and make yerself comfy.

Regards WP.
did you know that holiday on the buses was filmed at pontins in prestatyn, where i live(not pontins) ;)
Thanks guys,
I've spent most of the afternoon looking around and can't believe I haven't been here before. I will definalty be hanging around here for some time!

:rolleyes: For the record, I DO have a drink problem, in that I'm able to hold 2 glasses, but only 1 mouth to do the actual drinking!:rolleyes:

Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors!!;)
shouldn't you have a red landy with a hole in the back corner where the door should be??
Yeah with an upstairs bit with a little periscope near the front seats that yer can use ter moon at the driver.

Regards WP.
slob said:
shouldn't you have a red landy with a hole in the back corner where the door should be??

There's already enough holes in it (Boot Floor) without putting any more in it:eek:

As for the colour, I might consider red in the future, but for now my plans involve making it tall enough to make a double decker look small:p
you'll have to replace yer horn with a little bell ( don't suppose yer missus will like it)

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