
so please forgive me if this has been posted previously ......

Been searching the forum for the (well documented as it turns out) three Amigos problem (I learned the term here !), as I currently have the aforementioned problem indication (currently no other indications of a fault).

Looking around, there seems to be all sorts of possible reasons (mostly expensive), anyway I came upon this .....

And thought I would post it up here for everyones benefit (might be a good candidate for a sticky ?). The kit is a wee bit pricey for what it is ($200) but for the peace of mind it can provide it seems worth the money (or a bunch of peeps could buy one and share it).

I am definitely thinking of getting one so if anyone has anything bad to report, please let me know about it before I waste my cash ....

P.S. Thanks already for all of the help contained on this forum, without which LR would probably have gone out business years ago.

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