
New Member
Hello, I brought a freelander two days ago, Never had one before. Its a Diesel TD4 SE, and an 03 plate. The first night I had it i went for a drive, When i returned home I realised i had left a window open so i turned the ignition back on to close it. All the fans in the engine then started up and it sounded like it was gonna take off as it was so loud. Not sure if this is normal for a landy, or do i need it to get checked out as it is still under warrenty. Thanks in advance. :confused:
It is possible for the fans to start without the engine running. If it's been driven hard once the vehicle stops moving, the latent heat in the engine can raise the water temperature enough to cause the fans to switch on.

However it costs nothing to take it in and have it checked. better safe than sorry
Sounds normal. The fans always sound very loud when the engine's off. For your piece of mind no harm taking it back to the dealer for a check.


I too just bought a Freelander Diesel TD4 SE, 04 plate, that I have had for a week and like you I noticed a loud noise when you turn the ignition on. I have looked under the bonnet and none of the fans are spinning. Tracing the noise it seem to be coming from underneath the rear seats, or somewhere under the car. The sound is more like a pump, I am assuming the diesel pump :confused: (Someone please feel free to correct me :) )

I have not had a diesel car before so don't know if this is normal. My old car, VW Passat, used to make a brief noise simlar to this when you turn the ignition on, but the it would only last about a second. I assumed it was the petrol pump pumping a small amount of petrol into the engine for starting. (I'm no expert so not sure if that was the case.)

Is this the noise you are hearing, or in your case is it definatly the fans?
It would be good to compare. As I mentioned before I'm not sure if the noise I am hearing is normal for a diesel Td4.:(

Any advise would be great.
chaskins: I am no Freelander expert (collected mine a week ago) but I believe that the TD4 had 2 fuel pumps. One pump is in the tank under the back, it starts when the ignition is on. So I guess that the noise you are hearing is normal. I dont know if a failing pump makes more noise?

Have fun.
PS just got a RoverRon box and its great, much better throttle response, and so much faster :))))))

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