

Well had a good day removing the old bushes from the rear springs of my 109 project and getting the new ones in all in less than 2 hours.
Now the cowardice appears as having take several looks at the chassis bushes I'm starting to wonder whether I dare start this job (despite looking at all the 'how to' guides'.
The questions are;
1. do these bushes make all that much difference?
2. if I get the innards out is there a polybush that allows me to leave the outer part of the bush in and bolt the whole lot back together?

Its bloody easy mate, mine took 5 mins with a sharp new hacksaw blade and a cold chisel. A puller to get the new one in is easily cobbled up with 2 sockets and a bit of threaded bar. Pics in my rebuild thread.
5 mins is a bit quick! But it's not that difficult - pull the innards out with your choice of threaded bar and sockets, cut and hammer out. Mine were seriously rusted in and took about half an hour each, in hindsight I should have made two cuts 180 deg apart.
I was lucky that it was clean, dry and at working height with no obstructions, I did leave that bit out hehe
Do em properly...took me frigging ages until I bit the bullet and burnt the bastards out with a map torch then sawed through and bashed them out. You need to use FORCE but once you've accepted that its easy enough. Watch out the PO had welded mine in so a puller would have been no good.
I've just done mine, make sure the bush surface and the chassis hole are nicely polished, I used 400 wet and dry. Plenty of copper slip and use a puller/pusher to get them in. If it starts to get tight make sure you don't 'balloon' the bush with too much force. That's what I did and ended up cutting out a new bush.
If you can use genuine Landrover, copy ones are sometimes a fraction bigger and can cause problems.
Worst job on a Landy, what a beatch of a job. I burnt and cut mine out. The pattern ones need shaving down as they are too thick.
I got pattern ones and the bugger was too small...had to spot it in...maybe my hole's too big ooo errr matron, etc etc.
What a crappy day.

Took about 2 hours to one of the old bushes out as the outer sleave are conpletely stuck in - hard to tell they are not part of the car.
Got the new bush in to within 1.5cm of fitted and then stop - it's going no further. stripped thread on 3 bars. getting it to there. Not sure what to do now - have a old scissor jack that i'll try to pull apart and hope the threaded bar is stronger.

The bush outer rim on the other side is even worse and no idea how I will get it out. Probably like the otherside with a big hammer, screwdriver and chisel.
Hope tomorrow brings an easier day.
Bugger! I was looking at the ones on my 109's the one bit I'm really not looking forward to...

Well worth putting the bushes in the freezer before fitting and (gently) heating the chassis to make them easier to pull in...
Did the freezer thing. Think I'll take the nearly in bush out. Does anyone know the part number for rear chassis polybushes?
Oi! This forum isn't big enough for the both of us!

Thers only 1 Toby D. So you need to change your name.


:D :welcome2:
Perhaps I should use tobyd10 as I do on other forums - but would that make you uncomfortable with the thought that there are 8 others out there?
Getting them out is easy, two hack saw cuts through the inner, rubber and outer sleeves, then whack them out with a hammer and cold chisel. Getting the new ones in can be more trouble though depending on what you buy and how good a fit they are. I don't think you can tell, because new bush tolerances and differences between individual chassis make it a bit of a lottery.
I have ordered poly bushes for the rear chassis but wonder if I have been too hasty as these might repair?

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