
Active Member
Hello all!
I seem to have a strange problem with my 2000MY Lseries XEDi. Coming up to 150000 miles and normally dead reliable at starting.
Turning the key gives nothing except the dash display as normal. Turn to position 2 for starter gives nothing, not even a click.
A quick rummage under the bonnet and a fly lead to the starter livens it up and the engine starts and runs as normal. (I have had all the usual problems with the Denso starter contacts and already renewed them after helpful advice on Landyzone forum)

I've checked all the engine fuses inside and under the bonnet and then thought that it's got to be the ignition switch. Stripped out the switch which looks perfectly OK. Can't really get at the contacts but they look clean enough with no signs of burning. Short of buying a new switch, I've run out of ideas.
Any advice from someone who has similar problems might help?
I think this is your problem the ignition switch its self you need to file the contacts be careful when you open it up they are only plastic hooks that hold it together and then when you open it be care not to loose the spring and square piece that goes into a square hole this is the locating pin


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In the last couple of months I've had 2 problems with my L Series not turning over when I turn the key.

The first time, the car had somehow immobilised itself. I disconnected the battery, left it for a couple of hours, reconnected the battery and it fired up good. Your radio will need its security code reentering after this and the rear window recalibrating.

Soon after this it started randomly not turning over and appeared to be getting worse. I had a new starter fitted and all is now good.

I think the failing starter had probably send a spike through the car's electronics which caused the first issue.

As teddy says, it could also be the switch, and other people have had issues with the relay and battery.

I did give you a wave as I passed High Wycombe last month, but no time to stop and pick up the "hand luggage" :)
Thanks for your replies guys. Yep, you are both right. It turns out to be the switch. I ordered a second hand job on fleabay for £18 but while waiting thought I'll have a go at cleaning the contacts. I could just about get a narrow strip of 1000 grade paper between the starter contacts without stripping the switch down. I just removed the cover. When I tested it the moter spun like a good'un
giving that friendly clattering we all love!:)

Grumpy, pity you didn't drop by, you could have had a go in my landy to see how it compares with yours!
I cleaned mine up with sand paper in the same way. It solved the contact problem and proved it was the fix needed. Didn't last that long as it probably caught the contact area and caused damage. But it's a good way to prove the fault before replacement.
I hope I'm not covering old ground. My 2012 puma has started to fail to start. Thought it was the starter solenoid so changed that. Earth contacts seem good. I've just discovered that if I turn the key just past the Accessory On point it starts clean every time. If i turn it as normal it seems to go past the start point and I get a quick click from the solenoid. So, happy I can get it to start consistently but would like a real fix. Any ideas? Do I change the ignition switch/ while barrel?? Thanks all.
I hope I'm not covering old ground. My 2012 puma has started to fail to start. Thought it was the starter solenoid so changed that. Earth contacts seem good. I've just discovered that if I turn the key just past the Accessory On point it starts clean every time. If i turn it as normal it seems to go past the start point and I get a quick click from the solenoid. So, happy I can get it to start consistently but would like a real fix. Any ideas? Do I change the ignition switch/ while barrel?? Thanks all.
Hi there. On a Freelander 1 the actual plastic cased switch that clips onto the end of the ignition barrel is a known weak point and often needs replacement - rather than the barrel mechanism. However on your 110 I have no idea of the setup. You would be best asking the question in the Defender section of LZ. However, as its broke, that probably means its about right for a Defender and if you want to be taken seriously in that section, you have to tell them you keep a pig in the back and definitely don't mention you posted the question in the Freelander section! Good luck.
Oops. Thanks for the reply GrumpyGel...I'll get myself back in the right place!
Don't worry no harm done. Few would think to look in the tratter section for electrical faults. They only fit electrics as an option if the buyer asks for it. There's some propper nutters in there. Be careful. ;)

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