
Good afternoon all.
I've got a problem with the ignition switch on steering column.
When I go over a bit of rough road the engine cuts out, I've traced the fault to the switch, it's the original só after a lot of use I suspect it's knackered and needs replacing.
Now the problem I've got is how to get the old one off,
The securing bolts that are designed to snap off have been, so how do we do the replacement.
Has anyone done this job and knows the procedure, short of cutting it off I am a bit stuck
Drill them out or if you're really lucky give them a couple of whacks with a punch and once loosened they will come undone.
I have used both methods with success.
You can buy just the switch you don't need to buy the complete ignition barrel and housing, still have to take it all out though.
You can buy just the switch you don't need to buy the complete ignition barrel and housing, still have to take it all out though.
I suspect it's the key mech. which is worm out but could be wrong, if I have to take it out anyway it's probably just as well to get the unit.
Thanks good to know

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