Dr Strangeglove

Well-Known Member
I have a 1991 RRC 3.9 efi that is taking time to start. I only use it once a week or even longer gaps than that. I have problems starting first thing. Takes a bit of turning over before it gradually starts to kick in. It then slowly comes to life.

The worst times are cold mornings after a few damp days (which is quite often living in Lancashire). It is then used for a 10 minute journey to where I am going, the a gap of about 4 hours before making the return journey.

My thoughts are perhaps the distributor cap, plug leads may be worth changing.

Any thoughts appreciated including what type/make to get and where to get them. Also any other ideas that may help that I could try.

Thanks for any help and advice.
I think the problem is not so much it's infrequent use as the short journeys. My 3.5efi parks in the open & often doesn't get used for 2 or 3 weeks & still is on the button every time, but then my regular trip is similar to yours - 12 miles then a stand of 3 to 4 hours before a return - OK in the summer months but not so good in winter. It's possible that your dissy cap has become a bit porous with age & I suggest you replace it with a genuine part. When I used to keep old military vehicles in a barn during the winter months I used to cover the electrical components with an old blanket as that prevented condensation. A slow cranking speed could, apart from the battery of course, be down to a bad earth or tired starter - maybe a high-torque starter would be a good investment.
Thanks for the replys, it is much appreciated.

The battery was a bit low on power but it showed no sign of firing. I squirted the dizzy cap and leads with a water displacement and from a jump is started quite quickly then, hence the question on cap and leads.

If I get a new dizzy cap, should I get a genuine part or will a Lucas do (or another good make) as I see a big difference in price. I believe in buy right buy once, so I will go for the genuine part if that is what is needed, but at the same time I don't buy named brands for the sake of it when there is another that is the same or better quality - again your experience here will be much appreciated (also recommendations on where to buy). If I do the cap should I do the leads as well.

Many thanks so far.

I have ordered some of the damp start. I will give that a go and hopefully that will give me an indication if it is the leads and cap, then get them on order. If I feel its any of the other items mentioned (if the damp start does not work) then at least I can order at the same time.

I have looked on Paddocks site and they show HT leads, original at £62 and performance silicon leads at £30. Would the performance ones not be better?

Thanks for all your help guys.

I have ordered some of the damp start. I will give that a go and hopefully that will give me an indication if it is the leads and cap, then get them on order. If I feel its any of the other items mentioned (if the damp start does not work) then at least I can order at the same time.

I have looked on Paddocks site and they show HT leads, original at £62 and performance silicon leads at £30. Would the performance ones not be better?

Thanks for all your help guys.

The price tells you the answer. OEM every time.
The price tells you the answer. OEM every time.

I often find price is not the best barometer of quality as often a well respected name is used to inflate price. Many times cheaper items are the same as branded ones, just packaged and labeled differently. For instance, I believe many of the power tools in Lidl are the same as the green Bosch ones. What that says of the quality of each ones I don't know, but there is a huge difference in price if they are the same components. Saying that, I only buy Dormer drill bits as I know they are quality, even though they are much more expensive. However, if anyone knows a different brand that are the same as Dormer then please let me know!

As I am not working I have to watch the pennies!!!
I often find price is not the best barometer of quality as often a well respected name is used to inflate price. Many times cheaper items are the same as branded ones, just packaged and labeled differently.
As I am not working I have to watch the pennies!!!

Aren't we all, I'm a poor pensioner :(
You are right in what you say about price vs quality though, fancy packaging may or may not indicate the latter - retailers rely on our lack of inside information.

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