
simple question, must b a simple answer?why is the ignition on th left side instead of the normal right?is it the defender only or earlier landrovers?
Coz if it was on the right some pleb would be asking why it wasn't on the left!

It's only normal on the right on cars that are natively left hand drive.
Because it is. After driving with the cack handed ignition barrel for a while you realise that it's other cars that are wrong not the defender.
Because the bloody door wuld get in your way if it was on the right.
cos if oddies key fell out it would land in the mud.:p
:D :D :D I did think that and contemplated that it was clever design to incorporate failure of the steering lock into the design but then thought it's probably just bloody coincidence!!:D
so wen u let ur mates drive it u can sit there and giggle as they fumble around then look all confused cos they cant find the ignition
Actually, all of the foregoing replies are :-

a) sarcastic


b) wrong

It's either:-

1) so that your mate can start it when you're too ****ed to find the hole.


2) So that the interior light (once you've found the switch) illuminates to help you find (see above).

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