
New Member
Hi Everybody,I have just bought my first Landrover Discovery!!:D It is a 1996 Tdi 3 door with 71.000 miles and Full Service History and two owners from new:) .The vehicle has never been off road and the interior is almost like new.....I love it to bits already:D The previous owners have spent a small fortune on maintaining the car with lots of bills etc etc!.
However one job they didn't do was to fix/change the ignition barrel/steering lock.Sometimes when you put the key it just will not turn,other times it turns and starts fine???I have tried Wd40 etc but to no avail:confused: Is it a big job to replace the ignition switch?barrel with a new one?Has anybody done it? Thanks for your help (hopefully)

It could be linked to the steering lock, when the key is in, jiggle the wheel a bit, and see if it "unlocks" the key.
Mine's a bit stiff too (oo-er missus :rolleyes: ) and when I first got the vehicle I had problems sometimes getting the key in at all, but I find it's second nature now after a month and I just seem to have found the 'knack' - Goes in no problems now.

I know that's not a very prectical answer but hope it helps!

Get a pencil and scribble on the key madly. The graphite from the lead will lubricate the barrel and make the extraction (and penetration) better. Alternatively, get some graphite powder and puff-spray it into the lock before sticking the key in.
aye its all to do with the way you hold yer mouth when you put the key in, try sticking yer tongue out of the left upper corner of your lips and just holding it against your top lip, ;)
battenberg said:
I had the same problem, 'James W' summed it up!!!

Thanks - I was really battling with it and then one day I realised that I hadn't noticed it for ages - But when I think about it it gets stuck! When I do it subconsiously it's okay!

Stick with it, you'll get the knack.
I hope it does not go as it is a bitch to replace the lock, it has snap off bolts to attach it to the steering column which you has to take a chisel or centre punch on to try and get them out. mine took 2hrs and cramp in the hands, not from what other people might say!
Could it be that one of your keys is a poorly made replacement? Do you have any problems using the same key in the door locks? Do you have another key that works better if so try getting it cut again. A common fault with locks is people squirting them with WD40. all that does is wash away the original lubrication. The brass wafers get dry and stick in their channels causing you to force the key which wears them out further. First check your key to make certain its not twisted or bent or has any distortion. Try using a drop of sewing machine oil on the key and insert it into the lock. repeat several times until it goes in and out without any struggle then your wafers are fine. However if one of the crowns or valleys on your key is wrong then the wafer will not sit in the right position. This means that your forcing the barrel to turn whilst one of the wafers is not flushed. Another cause of key not turning is if one of the wafer springs has broken. The spring holds the wafer against the profile of the key. If its broken the wafer will float causing it to sit in the wrong position when you try to turn the key. Locks are a doodle to fix if you can get to them. Its not only a challenge to remove the lock but consider this, a replacement set to keep you with just one key fits all will cost you a fortune. If you're prepared to remove the lock and barrel its easy to just fix the barrel by identifying the faulty wafer (remove it or file it flush if necessary) and refit it. One last cause could be the switch attached to the key barrel. The contacts may have been burnt through short circuit however you would expect that to be a constant problem. Most likely cause is a broken wafer spring.
had the same trouble wiht my 300 prodably happened a dozen times in the 3 years ive had her juswt got use to it :confused:

the joys of landrovers:D
Thank you everybody for your replies and suggestion's:) I suspect that the previous owners may have used WD 40 or similar stuff.
I have used it myself and the lock does seem easier for a few days after i have given it a good squirt:eek: I think donboon could be right about flushing the original lubricant out with WD 40.Last night I was stuck in a dark supermarket car park for 15 mins fiddling with the lock!!!! I must have looked really dodgy:( I won't use WD on it anymore ,I will try some of the other suggestions and post the outcome!
It really is driving me bonkers though:eek: The lock either works perfectly or not at all,there isn't a half way house of it nearly working:confused:

:eek: :eek: :eek: That's it Ive had enough of the blinking lock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: At some point over the next week or two I am going to attempt to remove the lock:eek: .Do I need to buy a replacement unit before i strip it down or can I still drive the car after i have taken the barrel out????

Will I need to book myself in to a stress management clinic afterwards??
Had similar problem on my Disco II.
I took the cowl off and the problem disappeared. Put it back on again and it reappeared.
So took it off again and left out the cylindrical shroud, that hides the edges and its worked fine ever since (touch wood). Needs a bit of further investigation though.
i had a problem on the wifes bmw dodgey barrel just phone a locksmith,he told me 9 out of ten times they can fix it,ok you will need new shear bolts but thats cheaper than a new ignition barrel,he charged about £70 and NO stress, hope this helps ;)
:confused: I have just had a new key cut and tried that but to no avail!:( :(
Do's anybody know if I have to put shear bolts back,or will any bolts do?????

any bolts will do, but you run the risk of some tealeaf just unbolting yer steering lock and nicking yer pride and joy ;)
had the same problem with one of our 300 V8's. Key would go in, then sometimes it wouldn't etc. Squirted the WD40 and it seemed to make a difference.

Then one morning, after dropping kids of at school (it was peeing it down at the time), came back to the car, and the key wouldn't go in, then it did, then it wouldn't turn, then the lock barrel inside collapsed.

So we were stuck, had to get breakdown recovery to come and collect us, phoned local 4x4 place to see if they had replacment. Luckily they did, so had a replacment barrel ext fitted - not cheap either £113 mostly for the lock mechanism.

it had completely collapsed inside.

Hi again every body!!!!!.......guess what????......for the last two weeks my ignition barrel hasn't stuck at all:confused: I have been to busy to put a new barrel in up until now but it seems to have cured itself:eek: :eek: . I can only assume that it is the fact that i am using the car everyday whilst the previous owners were leaving it for days on end?..Do you think that this is false hope on my part or what?:D

I still love the car everytime I get in it:D


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