
New Member
Hi Guys,

I'm having an awful time finding somewhere to get a spare key cut for my S3 ignition. I must have tried a half dozen places, a couple who seemed to go the extra mile trying to special order blanks, but it seems they are hard to come by?

Anyone know where I can order a blank key or get one cut locally in Kent / TN13?


I'm not sure if it makes a difference, but mine has a metal head. It's not in front of me right now but I'll see if I can get a picture posted up today. From looking at your link the actual key part looks the same though.

My S3 is a 1976 diesel, for whatever difference that will make.

Snap of the key in question...

I believe it does matter because the earlier all metal one is from a different blank. Best I suggest is calling someone like paddocks or lrseries and asking. Failing that, you could always get a complete ignition switch.
Cheers Sean, that looks like a very handy link!



we've used them a lot - it took a leap of faith at first, emailing a picture from which they cut your key seemed hit and miss, but they've probably done 50 for us now and no fails

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