
Active Member
I've been reviewing this page regularly and I decided I needed a tracker and got a web based self monitoring one (Visionaire) which incidently, I'd highly recommend for many reasons but then I thought, what the hell do I do if someone takes it?

The tracker emails and texts me if certain things happen to the car so in one way I might be able to get out and stop them or do you just let them take it and track them down? If you take that route, do you go and track them down personally (with a crowbar), will the police be interested in it or if you leave it to them are you more at risk of losing it because they wont treat it as urgent.

Is it something you dial 999 for or isn't it an emergency really?
grab a few mates and follow the tracker find out where they are and go and get it back.Give them a good kicking they wont likely report you,just watch your back if they know where you live!
If a crime is in progress then you call 999.

What point is there in potentially getting yourself shot or beaten up or stabbed when you have a tracker.

(a good tracker will let you disable the engine anyway if they did drive off.)

If you do catch them and beat them up then you will be facing court, criminal record, loss of job, maybe prison, massive homelife issues, etc. Is it really worth it over a land rover?
I'm no expert but I believe its illegal to disable an engine remotely because of the safety issues that poses! Sod the guy robbing it obviously but I guess if you power the engine off at the wrong time it could cause an accident
easiest option get a tracker that disables it to start and turn it on evry night so if the thievs try they wont sucseed as its disabled and then if they do still take you can obvs track them im going to do the same as soon as i have built my new defender get a good tracking system and all the added extras as well as a pedal box and disc lock that few hunderd pound you spend extra on security is the diffenace between your pride and joy going of getting left ...
I've been reviewing this page regularly and I decided I needed a tracker and got a web based self monitoring one (Visionaire) which incidently, I'd highly recommend for many reasons but then I thought, what the hell do I do if someone takes it?

The tracker emails and texts me if certain things happen to the car so in one way I might be able to get out and stop them or do you just let them take it and track them down? If you take that route, do you go and track them down personally (with a crowbar), will the police be interested in it or if you leave it to them are you more at risk of losing it because they wont treat it as urgent.

Is it something you dial 999 for or isn't it an emergency really?

At least you have the option to deal with it yourself or call the plod with the visionare system- unlike other trackers which are left to the local police to sort out and lets face it they wont treat it as priority and by time they get round to it the tracker will probably be disabled anyway.

The visionare leaves it up to the individual on how to deal with it.

Its an awesome system.

Personally I would follow it and kick the **** out of them, its my pride and joy- what gives them the right to get away with it??
I'm no expert but I believe its illegal to disable an engine remotely because of the safety issues that poses! Sod the guy robbing it obviously but I guess if you power the engine off at the wrong time it could cause an accident

Read the bumf with the system, it has a routine to deal with that.
I've been reviewing this page regularly and I decided I needed a tracker and got a web based self monitoring one (Visionaire) which incidently, I'd highly recommend for many reasons but then I thought, what the hell do I do if someone takes it?

The tracker emails and texts me if certain things happen to the car so in one way I might be able to get out and stop them or do you just let them take it and track them down? If you take that route, do you go and track them down personally (with a crowbar), will the police be interested in it or if you leave it to them are you more at risk of losing it because they wont treat it as urgent.

Is it something you dial 999 for or isn't it an emergency really?

At least you have the option to deal with it yourself or call the plod with the visionare system- unlike other trackers which are left to the local police to sort out and lets face it they wont treat it as priority and by time they get round to it the tracker will probably be disabled anyway.

The visionare leaves it up to the individual on how to deal with it.

Its an awesome system.

Personally I would follow it and kick the **** out of them, its my pride and joy- what gives them the right to get away with it??

Anyone else smell chopped meat?
Anyone else smell chopped meat?

Listen mate I know it prob looks like a sales pitch, I'm a new member but been lurking for ages.

I'm just vouching for the kit, its a good set up that's all. Speaking from experience.

Just trying to help.
I'm no expert but I believe its illegal to disable an engine remotely because of the safety issues that poses! Sod the guy robbing it obviously but I guess if you power the engine off at the wrong time it could cause an accident

Can't see why, disabling the engine doesn't stop the brakes of steering from working. It's no different than runnning out of fuel, maybe due to a fuel cut off valve - which is a safety feature afterall - if the criminal doesn't know to turn it on it's not your fault, you don't have to leave instructions telling someone what to do when stealing your car so they don't hurt themselves.

Most trackers I've seen let you track the car yourself (sure Ryder will be along soon...) so why the Visionaire system is being advertised so heavily i dunno... leaning towards agreeing with Trewey!

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