
Well-Known Member
hi there all,
i hope everyone is well,
sometimes i do a review on something or put up a funny or put a picture up of my sickly rangie and its woes..
but not this time.. i have my serious face on
i dont have anything to do with face book n all those things, but wifey does, so i have to pass this on
apparently there is a new scam going around, that involves people coming up to you or your family in a car park and saying' im so sorry i have just hit your car'
up shot of that is people forget all sense and drop their shopping or get out of the car leaving it unlocked and walk to where ever the scum bags want you to walk to front or back.. leaving car open someone gets in either drives off or takes anything you had in there or just the shopping you paid a fortune for, its a group of three in this case.
so once again be on your guard, this was on facebook friday and in rustington just a stones throw from worthing and littlehampton,so i would imagine in a town near you very soon.
they have already done over waitrose and sinsburys car parks and got away, not surprsing because we dont have much of a deterent down here and the cop shop shuts around 4pm, on the days its not shut
then be careful of the dog stalkers.. they follow you to your door place a rubber band or piece of ribbon nearby marking the house and a couple or a woman knock at your door say ' i think my dogs got into you garden can we go and look' 'i can hear her crying'
as convincing as they sound dont let anyone in or go and check, they watch you go in one way and the person you havent seen goes another to gain access
call the police
its just a step on from the vans going around here stopping dog walkers trying to rob the owner of the dog by asking , 'thats nice how old does she he bite oh lovely' then side doors open and thugs jump out a take the dog.
please if you would pass it on, and stay safe .
regards dwarfer

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