
New Member
hi ya guys,
long time lurker first time poster!!!
I've got a 110 with a perkins 2.1/4 diesel, which my girlfriend and I are gonna take round the world (starting with a shake down the Morroco September sort of time).
I keep reading on discussions over 200tdi, 300tdi td5 ect. pros and cons, difficultys of swapping ect ect ect.
I'm not gonna be in any hurry while on our travels so why change my old bullet proof? perkins for a 200tdi???

other than being a bit slow are there any other reasons?
not a prob in moroc with diesel at 30p/litre :D

If the perkins is running smooth and fine now, i wouldnt change it. changing it could throw up all kinds of problems and without thorough prior testing to your trip, i dont think its worth it... that is only if your perkins is in excellent running order.


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