
Hi I have a 2004 L322 Kahn Rangey 3ltr diesel . Prices are ridiculous for a new or pre owned rear motor but all I need is the actual motor itself , Ive serviced the rest of it . `any pointers please ?
Your best bet is ebay or a breaker, the motors are all the same doesnt matter what the badge on the back says.
Have you tried splitting the motor and cleaning up the bushes? Took some persuading with a hammer and screwdriver but it worked for me.
Hi , No I haven't . I took it apart and freed up the gears and linkages that were jammed . I think the washer water had got in there ,I replaced the seals for the water where it enters the hollow shaft for the washer jet , air tested and seems fine , but the motor does not turn much at all . I will give that a go as the prices out there are crazy lol .Cheers for that .
Sounds like the issue I had where the armature siezes in the bush (not a bearing) so the bush turns instead making it very stiff to turn. Once it's separated a good clean with some fine wet & dry.
Be carefull with the brushes, you may need to gently pry them open to release the armature.
You also have to unsolder the wire from the motor at the motor end.
Good luck.
Hi , Got to grips with it a bit later than Id planned . stripped out the motor , brushes sorted , armature now freed up . You were spot on , bush was seized on to the armature , now beautifully free running . I have put it back together and just have to re solder the red wire back in place .Thanks very much for the advice . I am hopeful that it should now work . All fuses check out okay . When yours was seized onto the armature , did it blow any fuses ?
I second that nomination . Been one helluva hectic day but hope to find time tonight or tomorrow morning . I re soldered it at work lunchtime . Think I may belong to this for a lifetime . Thanks Guru and all . :)
Hi backtoblack , I fitted the rear wiper back into the car , tested it and it's working perfectly . Mahoosive thank you to you mate :) . Saved around 200 quid and it's better than before when it did work . The original seals are not great but the ones I've used this time should ensure it lasts for a very long time . If you were local I'd buy you a pint or ten . Thanks Guru :) .
Next on my list is the air con lol .
As an aside , If anyone has an L322 front washer jet, pack up ( either left or right hand ) , I bought one from amazon and after paying for it , noticed it was meant for a freelander . When it arrived I tried it anyway , fits perfect , wiring the same , works a treat and was 20 quid instead of 50 - 70 quid . Even has a better rubber base seal than the original .
Hi backtoblack , I fitted the rear wiper back into the car , tested it and it's working perfectly . Mahoosive thank you to you mate :) . Saved around 200 quid and it's better than before when it did work . The original seals are not great but the ones I've used this time should ensure it lasts for a very long time . If you were local I'd buy you a pint or ten . Thanks Guru :) .
Next on my list is the air con lol .

No problem glad it worked :)
Hi backtoblack , I fitted the rear wiper back into the car , tested it and it's working perfectly . Mahoosive thank you to you mate :) . Saved around 200 quid and it's better than before when it did work . The original seals are not great but the ones I've used this time should ensure it lasts for a very long time . If you were local I'd buy you a pint or ten . Thanks Guru :) .
Next on my list is the air con lol .
hi there and welcome l322 world where nothing is at seemso_O
air-con you say..best bet is the condenser, always rots out and hit by stones and in my case a rodent hotel, they chewed on it too,but you cant blame em for hanging out in a rangy, they got taste.:cool:
ive replaced the air-con condenser in mine in april, easy job plus new o rings and re gas from group-on voucher £37 ish at Ats euro master. plus a fiver if you want anti bac.,
well worth while, thats if its your condenser!
then check your auxiliary air-con fan is working.. ive just posted instructions for that repair.
welcome and keep us posted
Hi Dwarfer ,Thank you for the welcome , much appreciated . I like it on here , there's so much experience and knowledge to share . You are dead right about Landcover and well funny the way you put it . A company up the road is advertising a free appraisal of your air con , so I'm planning on getting them to diagnose it for me . I am aware I'll have to shave off 30 percent BS from their diagnosis but it should give me pointers . The advice you have given me is noted and thanks for that . I will keep it in mind :) . Even in this hot weather , with it turned on it is very slightly cooler , so may be major or minor fault , no idea yet . I have watched youtube vids on car air con fixes but the ads about grandmothers knickers gets on my pip lol . I'm hoping for a free diagnosis on saturday so will let you know what they say (including the bs as well ) :) . I have to say , that although Landy's are high M in some respects , I am totally smitten with mine and love it to bits and no matter what , I still just get on with it as a labour of love.
I also wanted to share a story of mine . I had vandals wreck my rear windscreen and went through insurance to get it replaced . national windscreens sadly had the gasket twisted near the rear wiper and after a deluge of rainfall , all my electrics went kaput . Shorted out the suspension compressor (I replaced it ) shorted out the fuel pump under passenger sill ( I replaced it ) , and for the grand finale , destroyed my sound system , sat nav, radio , tv , amp , the whole shebang ! . Bought an after market head unit , done an absolute ton of rewiring plus loads of new gadgets and is amazing now . ( not entirely finished yet but very nearly ) . I do not understand why Landcover go to so much trouble in double engineering everything in the car until they get to the rear compartments ??? Non protection if a window seal fails or anything ! instant carnage !!!! Anyway , thats my rant :) . Bet there's lots of people with puddles in the spare heel well lol . I know I WAS !!
I also have a problem when it rains . The drivers side passenger door when opened lets a load of water go ??? No water in the car but appears to be sitting at the door seal somewhere at the bottom . Is it likely to be the non return valve from the sunroof drain ?? . If it is blocked it would make sense or maybe disconnected or holed ! Any thoughts on it . They are known for rotting out in that area and I intend to get every single flaw sorted before I snuff it ( hopefully ) lol .

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