
Active Member
Hi All,
300tdi conversion 90.

I've posted a couple of times in here about my knocking/tapping noise coming from the transmission tunnel. Essentially whatever it is, it is related to revs, i.e. it's not speed related. In 1st gear it's a whine, in 2nd it's a rapid tapping, in 3rd a little slower, and in 4th/5th barely audible. The worst it sounds (loudest) is when dropping down a gear too soon, or when using engine breaking at high speeds.

Putting my foot on the clutch, i.e. disengaging it, stops the sound. Taking out of gear entirely and rolling, stops the sound.

I attempted to resolve it with the least costly option first... I had the clutch overhauled, including a new clutch bearing and fork, etc.

The sound still persists.

So, it's either in the Gear Box (LT77), or in the Transfer Box (LT230). Recently, I've noticed a leak on the transfer box, there's drops coming off after driving. they are dripping from what I assume is an inspection plate? A bit of a google suggests this might actually be the oil seal between the transfer and gearbox (ICV100000G).

So, without being able to get this looked at by an expert at the moment, what can I realistically do on my own drive to either identify the issue, or fix it? I can't take the gearbox off myself, that's for sure. Does that mean I can't change the seal? Or is that actually something that can be done DIY?

What are people's ideas of what it might be? I think a bearing of some sort has had it, but where? I imagine replacing any bearings in the transmission will also need the whole gearbox to come off?

Here's a link to the previous thread on this before I had the clutch done: https://www.landyzone.co.uk/land-rover/my-tapping-sound-is-getting-louder.354455/

Here's a video of the sound:

Please help, I'm certain it's going to go pop any day now.
I can't take the gearbox off myself, that's for sure.

Are you sure about that? As long as you have a trolley jack and some strength you should be able to fairly easily (relative term) remove the transfer box and gear box. certainly the trasfer box is easy enough to remove with no special tools as long as you are strong enough to lift the box. The gearbox can be removed with a jack, but really needs an engine crane to refit, although it is possible and I have seen it done to rig your own A-frame with some scaffold tube/2"x4" and use ratchet staps to lift it back into place.

link 1 (no pics)
link 2

When I do the transfer box I unbolt everything and then lay underneath it and bench press it to the floor or lift back into place with a helper in the cab to line everything up. I am not suggesting your problems are gearbox or transfer box related, you would need someone with ore knowledge than me for that, but if it is I would not be afraid of removing them yourself. Especially if the clutch change you just had did it by removing the gearbox rather than moving the engine, as everything will have recently been apart.
If you remove a couple of the bolts from the transfer box and replace with threaded bar, you can slide the box backwards while the bar supports the weight. Also use for putting back together after changing seals as the bar stops the shafts from damaging the lips on the seal. Makes the job easier on your own
If you remove a couple of the bolts from the transfer box and replace with threaded bar, you can slide the box backwards while the bar supports the weight. Also use for putting back together after changing seals as the bar stops the shafts from damaging the lips on the seal. Makes the job easier on your own
Exactly wot I done. Struggle a bit to get it back onto the rods but then it's a breeze.

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