David Stoner

New Member
Hi all, picking up a D2 Td5 or most likely a nice looking V8 i've found either this weekend or maybe next, (probably next).

Central diff lock - early D2 had the gear there for the central diff lock but no linkage. (been to discovery2.co.uk and found the "how to sort the central diff")

Others have nothing at all, and the late models had them fully reinstated.

This is what i understand to be true.

Then i think i must have read somewhere that V8 D2's had the central diff lock fully functioning as standard. I'm certain this is wrong as it makes no sense! The reason for pulling the CDL was cos the abs/tc/hd were all supposed to make the CDL redundant. So why would they leave it working on V8's.

Hence this is why i'm certain it's just rubbish i've read somewhere.

How important is the CDL for maximising off road enjoyment?
Hi all, picking up a D2 Td5 or most likely a nice looking V8 i've found either this weekend or maybe next, (probably next).

Central diff lock - early D2 had the gear there for the central diff lock but no linkage. (been to discovery2.co.uk and found the "how to sort the central diff")

Others have nothing at all, and the late models had them fully reinstated.

This is what i understand to be true.

Then i think i must have read somewhere that V8 D2's had the central diff lock fully functioning as standard. I'm certain this is wrong as it makes no sense! The reason for pulling the CDL was cos the abs/tc/hd were all supposed to make the CDL redundant. So why would they leave it working on V8's.

Hence this is why i'm certain it's just rubbish i've read somewhere.

How important is the CDL for maximising off road enjoyment?

In short I dunno.

What I do know is Diff Lock is very important for maximizing Offroad enjoyment unless you have the electrickery gizmo's....... and they're working :rolleyes: :D
you are right , ive got one myself but never had the need for either t/c is supposed in theroy to be better as it brakes any spinning wheel so giving power to all wheels ,where as diff lock only means both axles are driven and vehicle can stand still if one wheel at front and back can spin ,but from fitting lots of diff locks back and selling detroit lockers for disco 2 presumably t/c isnt as good as wanted by lots of people ,having diff lock and t/c wont working at same time wont hurt either and would be better traction wise
It is important to remember that with DII and it's traction Control/HD etc if you don't maintain the braking system to it's optimum you will lose out on TC/HD & ABS

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