I got one anorl, tis under a tarp in me garden! Thank fook it int in me landy any more though! **** int they?
Duz wot it's ment 2 till....suddenly....pop....dunt do what it's ment 2 NE more n u need er 200 innit.
Me mates ad more sh1t from his 200 than ive had from mine:D
Mines 1988 and ive ad it for 1 year, ive dun a cam belt and a starter. He has blew the first one up, then got a 'new' one, blew the head up, got a new head. Need I say more?! If ya look after a old engine it'al be fine.
In all fairness ive not drove 1, but i do no they are great engines though. Anyway, I can do 70mph...down hill...in neutral...0mpg! Result.

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