
New Member
Had some fun this weekend. Probably pretty tame by others standards but I enjoyed it!

I took the Landy over to Mersea Island (I'v got a static there) and decided to do some fishing. When I bought the Landy, I did so for one reason and that was to make the launch and retrieve of the boat easier. This is the first time Ive used the Landy for this purpous since I've had the tyres changed and a winch fitted.

I decided to try launching the boat in a style which I have seen other use ... that is to unhook the boat from the trailer and just drive it down the beach amd into the water. Then, as the back of the boat starts to float, tap the brakes and then the boat floats off with my brother in law on board.

What actually happened was halfway down the beach the Landy hit a bump and the boat slid half the length of the trailer, ending up with the stern dug into the sand and the boat pivoted on the trailer .... the bow was about 8' in the air! In the past this would have been a real issue, but I connect the wire to the reteival ring and just wound the boat back onto the trailer ... no damage done

The rest of the launch was easy, retreival was a drem, no effort required! The Landy (with tyre pressures lowered) dragged the boat and trailer up the loose sand without a problem.

We then unhitched the trailer and had a go at off-roading with the Landy .... gotta do some more of this! The Landy is covered in mud and sand, we ahd a go on the beach and on a patch of waste ground .. much to the site owners amusement.

Reckon I'll have to get a set of mud tyres and find a pay and play course.

Minimans idea of a weeks greenlaning next summer really sounds appealing too.
Hi Sheddy,

Are you around next Sunday for the meet?

Have you been to the pit near Sudbury? I took my first 90 over there. It is normally run by LRO magazine. You pay 20.00 and off you go!!
Well, sounds like that there winch is working then Shedster? Good on ya' chap.
I don't reckon it matters how exciting it sounds to anyone else, so long as you had a buzz using the stuff that you fitted yerself to yer' Landy to do the things you intended it to do. That is Landies!

I wish I'd had one a few years back when I had an aft cabin cruiser job on the river @ Windsor & was reliant on the boatyard to launch & retrieve it & it seemed such a pain in the a*se to them, even though I paid then an arm & a leg for the privilege of their reluctant services!

So, this fishing lark, what do you go for? Have to say currently I'm a bit of a dyed in the wool a "Pike on the lure" man meself, but willing to be "lured" by sea fishing if your mingling bone allows Shedster, spesh if you've got a boat?

& to boot, who's up for starting to organise a "week's" greenlaning next year with us (yeah you Esssex boys seem to sort stuff between yerselfs anyways)!, how wicked would that be? All of us idiots "trying" to get together a "pack o Landies" to tour the highways & loways of this great Isle for a week. Yeah, Im up for June/July? Big bash & ain't gonna trash nothing & will further the cause of responsible greenlaning. Whaddya reckon?

I'm up for it?

Sounds like a cracking weekend! How boring would life be if it all went to plan!
No need for winches, No need for recovery straps! How dull would that be?
Makes a more memorable day when things goes tits up!
Hey Sheddy, just had a shufty at the winch pic, looks good. Loud enough? Looked at your L2B pics too. Your little bloke looks to be having a good time. Not only were you parked near us I even took a picture that included your Landy! Catch up one day.

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