
Active Member
Since we've had the its had a few minor problems like vibration, vague steering etc. I finally get these probelsm sorted out and now the Mrs tells me its got to go. ho hum!:rolleyes:
Dont ya just love it when they do that! mine wanted to sell my p38 rangie ( which I loved) but eventually I caved in and sold it now I have a freebie apparewntly she couldnt park it!!!
ffs put yer foot down with a firm hand - or are yer under the thumb?
be a man, not a mouse!

......yes dear, coming dear.....
mrs ming would never tell me wot to do , after all i do rule the universe un all. . . . . .gulp. . . weart me that made all the the mess dear twas porky. . .:D :confused: :eek:
ffs put yer foot down with a firm hand - or are yer under the thumb?
be a man, not a mouse!

......yes dear, coming dear.....

:D You're right of course. I'm going to go in there and squeak to her about it right now!:mad: :p

Apparently she doesn't want to sell it either but is being practical as we are getting married soon and hopefully moving house later this year. I dunno what the panic is, we've been together 15 years and have 2 kids and a house already. I told her this is exactly what happens when you go blindly rushing into things!:rolleyes:

She then accuses me of not taking things seriously!:eek: Weddings' months away yet and I've had 3 numbers up on the lottery a few times now. I think my ships about to come in. If she could just wait a month or two longer we could have he wedding to end all weddings! Not taking things seriously, I ask you. I'm very serious where millyons of pounds are concerned. Been looking at Ferraris, villas and everyfink:cool: :D

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