
Well-Known Member
Well today I went out

Decided go through Writtle ford
All was well and all of a
Sudden gush of water and bang there I am in my landy with water coming in and it stalls!!!

Luckly a nice fella from here - rizla his name on here! Has footage but yet pulled me out!

So other ten feeling like a ****!!! What's best thing for me to do to dry
It out and try an start it I don't wanna start it to find I **** it more or anything

Anyway if anyone can help and a huge thankyou to that man!!! You rescues a novice!!!!
check oil, then remove glow plugs and crank till water comes out- refit and see what it runs like
How deep was the water? Did the engine stall straight after the bang or because the revs were too low?

Oops:) been there done that and know the feeling:) but did get to rescue an idiot in an X5 that had hydraulicked his engine too! Being a BMW driver I probably should have built a dam and drowned him tho;)
Fingers crossed you've not done anything too serious.
Can't do much more than Fanatic said and cross your fingers if you sucked water in unfortunately:(
If you've still only got the standard air intake and the water came up to that height then you may well have taken some water in to the engine.

I know the ford you mean, most of the time it's barely a trickle over the road but I know it can get pretty deep with all this rain we've had!
In that case I would follow Fanatics instructions and see how you get on from there, sounds like it was water in the engine instead of you stalling it.

REmove air filter, clean and ry out,

Check oil level,

I'd remove glow plugs and ign white wire (just to be sure) from pump, turn engine over with a large socket and bar see if any water comes out the glow plug holes after a few rotations then spin it up with the starter motor Keep fingeres crossed!!
Agree with all above, but you could also take the opportunity to change the oil altogether and put some new filters on. Could of been much worse and been swept away,at least you never got hurt. :)
That's what everyone has said! Thanks guys for all the help! Bloody bonnet pull won't open the bonnet now!! I think I will leave till tomorrow!
used to pass through that ford when we were at college many moons ago in a series 1, gets quite deep after the weeks rain we have had, do everything you can to get rid of water, don't be in a hurry to start it by cutting corners.
Wellnim letting it dry etc anyway! Just spent money got a new battery and was lamps sorted! Now they have half filled with water lol! All in all I feel like a utter t--t!!
HAHA made me chuckle Jason - going to give it a go when i crack on and do all this because at the moment finishing with up to my neck putting the shackle round the toe bar - im still freezing - just grabbed the seats out as they were STACKED with water. So will leave it to dry out for a while then get on and look into it. thanks again guys sooo please with the replys. still feel like a cock but pleased that it prob wont be a new engine time! (IHOPE)

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