
New Member
There's not much to say about me...huge discovery enthusiast...:D...

as i was...i tried to post to wanted section but i cant, i've read the rules but i cant find anything...is there a post limit? do i need to have "this many" posts before i can post to sale\wanted section?
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not sure if there was a decision on how many.... been discussed lately with the bigwigs, stick around for a while till you have enough we are a good bunch on here. :D
...i'll wait, hope that my gearbox will also work till i get enough posts... :beer2:
im new so i dont know if im allowed to discuss it in this thread.

but so...so...i have this rattling in my gearbox when in idle, i was lookig around the internedz and found a comment from ashcroft on paddock's site, the same thing:
My gearbox rattles on idle, in neutral, with the clutch up

This is very common on Diesel engined vehicles. The clutch friction plate has a ring of springs, which are there to soften the knock of the diesel engine to stop it being transmitted to the driveline. Often especially with a new clutch these springs are quite tight and a lot of the engine knock goes through to the gearbox and makes the gears “chatter” together when the box is in neutral and the clutch up, it goes when the clutch is depressed. This can sound quite bad and does vary from car to car but is not detrimental to the life of the gearbox and we view it as an undesirable characteristic of the LT 77 and R 380 as opposed to a fault with either the gearbox or the clutch.

....so, im kind a disco fan and i'd like to listen to my 300tdi wihtout any other rattling and squeeking...:D...
...short version, im looking for a new\good condiotion used R380 gearbox.
also...i give my respect to landyzone...before i became a member, i have got a lot of help with my disco...
I have read alot and found nothing...i used search but still nothing...can someone direct me to a place where i can find Land Rover Parking Only signs. Yes i know e-bay has many and so on... but are some threads or guys\girls who have ordered some and know a good place?

...and i cant come up with my posts to post in the For Sale section cause i belive i can use search and dont need to chat around just to get my posts up. :D - any other solution or i just need to be patient and wait for fev years. :p


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