
Active Member
A mate is restoring a nice swb s3 he has bought for £300
It's all there, a low mileage sweet diesel, all syncros working, and an overdrive to boot and in not bad shape apart from the chassis, that is completely gone, and a badly juddering clutch.

He's stripped off the body, and made a strange observation.
The front track appears to be 1" wider than the back - all the wheels are the same.
I'm popping over tomorrow to have a gander, but my experience of series 3's is limited, so I'm looking for some insight...

Were there different axle widths on the Series 3's?
If so what should the axle width be?
I've read somewhere that the Series 109" had a 1" wider track than the 88"
Was this a different axle length or a different wheel inset?

Any clues as to what could be happening?

Thanks in advance,


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