
New Member
Hi all.

My replacement brake vacuum pump arrived yesterday and I am hoping to replace it myself with the help of a friend.

I considered the repair options found on this site but as its part of the braking system, and my knowledge is limited, I though I would just replace it with a new one.

I was hoping that someone could point me in the direction of a good thread / set of diagrams & instructions about replacing the pump.

It looks like a fairly simply unbolt, replace, bolt new one on type job but would be grateful for some pointers in case its not tahts simples !

Thanks folks.
Harry, Is this what you mean?

TDC means Top Dead Centre. It's where the piston in the cylinder rises to its highest point in the cylinder away from the crankshaft. I think the plunger on the vac pump is driven by a cam. I'm guessing Having the cylinder at TDC means it's easier to get the pump fitted as the cam won't be as proud which means you don't have to push against the spring in the plunger as much when you fit it. There are a number of ways to find TDC which you can find on a search. I recommend getting a copy of RAVE or similar to help with any spanner work you do. Hope you get it sorted easily !
I done this job a few years ago and I don't recall worrying about TDC. Just undo it and if you struggle to replace it, give the engine a quick turn over to change the position of the cam (that pushes on the lever).
It's an easy job, you'll have it done in 20 minutes.
agree with vince, simple enough job. just take your time.if when you undo the bolts ( don't take em all the way out) if the pump pushes outwards just turn the engine till no pressure then remove bolts completely and replace. as long as you get the pump lever on top of the crank and not under it you will be fine.make sure you clean the mating surfaces well because the gasgets do have a tendancy to leak. takes about half an hour


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