
..... looking at the last threads there is obviously an active vehicle theft team in the WARWICK area as well as the North West.
My Landy 110 (see thread above 'Second. Landy stolen in a month' stolen from Cheshire last week has just been recovered from a multi story car park in COVENTRY.

It had been 'rung' to clone it as an identical defender Puma in the right colour and spec. ANPR would therefore not show it as stolen but also show it as taxed insured and MOT'D (unless the original vehicle was stolen at a later date - wouldn't that be ironic)

This is an increasing trend due now that the government have, without consultation from Crime Reduction agencies, have made tax discs obsolete, so all the thief has to do is change the plates for those of an actual car and they are away.
(excise licences were hard to duplicate and and an overt indicator for the police and public to a vehicles identity and roadworthyness.)

So in this new world how can you reduce the chances of your Landy from being stolen.

Note that we are talking about reducing the chances of your Landy being stolen, you can never stop a determined thief but you can make life difficult and redress the assistance DVLA have given criminals by introducing the cost saving measure of printing paper tax discs. (a paper disc is not a lot to ask us it when you pay them £500 a year )


This was popular twenty years ago but not so common now. Professional criminals hate it as it means replacing all the glass and it combats the brain dead thief who just swaps the plates. This simple step will also make your car unattractive to the car thief breaker as well as the ringers and could stop your car from being stolen in the first place.

Attach your old tax disc to the windscreen by varnishing it in place. This is nothing like as effective but retains a classic look to you Landy whilst a preventing the ringer from driving away with cloned plates and an instant complete vehicle identity change.

These bolts are cheap, look ok and make plate removal more difficult. They sit proud so make it difficult for the thief who tries to attach other plates with sticky pads. This is particularly effective in the rear of a car where access to the nuts will be behind a plastic panel and hard to access without damaging the car which they do not want to do. This also makes it more likely that the thief will drive away with the original plates displayed which means they can be tracked by the Police checking ANPR ( Automatic Number Plate Retrieval ) ahead you have reported your car stolen even if it is hours later.

A genuine seller will have a vehicle log book (V5c) with his home address printed on it. Don't buy it if it has not got one or from another address, even if it's a bargain. WALK AWAY

How do Ringers get cloned identities. They may comb the streets looking for an identical vehicle, this is time consuming and indicates the area they are working in to some degree. They are more likely to search on line for the exact vehicle as yours down to the year and specification. Number plates can be made up anywhere and are also available on line so the thief turns up with them and nothing else (for more see the next paragraph)


No we are not back in the days of the Sweeney...
The only thing the thief will carry whilst out committing a ringing offence are the cloned plates which are easily hidden in their own vehicle I.e. Under carpets.
The more tools you make them carry the more likely they are to be arrested for the offence of 'going equipped to steal' if stopped by the Police. So in addition to the points above...

Overt, highly visible security devices such as steering wheel locks, pedal locks, chains and even wheel clamps slow down criminals and prevent theft. They are relatively inexpensive and hard to remove quickly without equipment.

Why is a criminal going to steal you car? Land Rover are rarely stolen as joy ride vehicles, or to commit crime in as they are generally slower that a Porsche 911, distinctive and carry less than a transit van. So why do they steal them?
There are three main kinds of car thief. The opportunist, who takes your car on a whim or because your keys are in the ignition, the breaker and the ringer. Each operate differently and are unlikely to change M.O.
The breaker is going to 'part out' your car or just steal the windscreen they want for their own car. these offenders are more likely to steal older cars and will not be bothered damaging the car to steal it as the body work and interior are not valuable to them. Therefore a wheel clamp is your ultimate answer.
Ringers operate in two main way and are more likely to steal newer of good condition vehicles. The first type of ringer has a donor vehicle or a ringing kit consisting of V5c, keys and locks, and VIN plates from another car. These people buy a new galvanised chassis attach the VIN plates then unbolt the stolen body onto it and sell it for its full value. Unrecorded write offs are rare so be wary of Cat D & Cat C cars. The second type of ringer wants to clone it and needs keys locks and alarm intact so will burgle your house for the keys.
The M.O. Of both types is therefore Is to steal a vehicle without causing damage.

Hook and Cane is a popular method where the devious offender puts a fishing pole of washing line prop from your garden or shed through your letter box and fishes for the keys. Hiding your keys out of sight can reduce the chance of this happening. (I would advise keeping the keys downstairs as you don't want the determined burglar ransacking the house or coming upstairs as they will find they keys anyway).

Of all the points this is the one that is easiest to do and probably the most effective. Thieves will be looking for your Landy and where you park it, so look out for people following your car, suspicious cars/people hanging round and especially unexpected callers looking for the house of a girl they met in Benidorm and think may live nearby. ( This last group are ringing your bell because your Landy is on the drive, prior to kicking your door in if they don't get a reply to search for the keys)

final advice...
Don't become paranoid, report genuine suspicious people/ cars/events to the police using the 101 number (only use 999 for serious or ongoing crime) don't expect to much of a response but such criminal intelligence is precious to the police as it helps them build up a bigger picture. So don't expect them to jump through hoops or f eel it's not worth reporting because nothing happened as a result. finally don't be put off Landy ownership, lock it, put it in a garage, lock driveway gates and if you have the money fit a tracker which will not necessarily prevent crime but may lead to the arrest of the offender and will help reduce insurance company loses http.

Hope tis is helpful. The points raised here are not all inclusive and built from my own experience both on a professional basis and as a vehicle owner .I have been applying crime reduction techniques for years but rarely get to speak to the average car owner (which of course you are not as you own a Land Rover) who most needs the advice. So sorry for the rant its a response to having two lands stolen in a month ( so either I am no good at my job or a realist who accepts that if you have nice things someone will be coveting it).
Well written, Thanks for taking the time!

Got the disclok and pedal guard on mine, however when the wife use's it she never fits!! Tracker being fitted Monday.
I always park with the steering lock holding the wheels off centre so it's harder to drag onto a trailer. It's also alarmed and I have a very alert dog that goes mental when he hears the slightest noise. extra security is on it's way aswell.
well written good advice. I also like to keep note of random things like makes of parts and Dot codes on tyres. So if it does get nicked then it's extra things to id it if the cops do find it and it's lost its plates
I've been trying to advertise free window etching on ere for some time. It's a real shame very few have done it. Autoglass do it for free so it only costs yer fool and time to get there and back. Link at the top of the forum.

I've been meaning to get mine done…
The best security measures are ones you don't advertise on the internet.
Unfortunately there's loads of info about how to fix yer biscuit tin, which also helps you see how to nick it. Like RR and RRE drivers watching video's on headlight upgrades. It's time tratterers woke up to the fact they're well known for poor security and done something about it.
Latest Police warning in the Cheshire area mirror National warnings.

Defender owners are being advised to be vigilant following increased thefts in across the region.

Park your vehicle out of view if at all possible (and in a garage if you have one.)

Fit security devices, ( they all work and will delay and deter offenders )

(Examples of Latest thefts include burglary to obtain keys during early evening. And stripping on the spot vehicles in parked secured driveways.)

CCTV installation is recommended and please report any suspicious activity or callers to the Police via the 101 non urgent call line. On going offences should of course be reported via the 999 system.

You are all Land Rover specialists so be the eyes and ears of the police and also report via the 101 system any criminal intelligence you may have.

Finally thanks for comments added to this thread, and no - making owners aware of how to prevent theft of their vehicles is not teaching offenders how to steal them, they already know.

Will add future alerts as they are released.
As the defender is pretty much the most nicked vehicle UK wide, is some poxy police force warning people going to do anything?

As for Cheshire police... its a bit after the horse has bolted isnt it?
As vehicles continue to be stolen the warnings are useful as forewarned is fore armed.

Owners and members sites like LANDYZONE can help in this by take steps to prevent vehicles being stolen and stolen vehicles and parts being sold by the unscrupulous to the unwary.
I was talking to a tratterer recently. He said he'd only had it 2 weeks. Quite happy with his pride and joy, although that didn't stop me passing on my deepest sympathy.

After making sure he had the key... I warned him about thefts. He wasn't too concerned until I took him though some insecurities. Not difficult to do. I then advised him what I would do if it were mine. That included a proper alarm, wheel lock, pedal lock, hidden stamps and etching glass. We discussed parking it at night and he's going to cut the garden hedge down. Also fit a security light which comes on when detecting peeps. I also listed some obvious basic mods to improve security, which he admitted he never thought of himself.
Isnt it easier just to move to a nice area?

Where scumbag tea leaves dont live
See this is half the problem.. by far the most effective things to use to protect your vehicle are phycology and logic.. but you can't discuss it on a forum.. :doh:

Explain how psychology and logic stops twunts nicking land rovers, when most thieves have the brain power of a banana.
Explain how psychology and logic stops twunts nicking land rovers, when most thieves have the brain power of a banana.
Psychology of the mind. The thoughts you go through when leaving yer tratter parked up somewhere. Do you feel safe with it there? Is it well hidden so no one can't see it being broken into? Is there glass on the floor where other vehicles have previously been parked and smashed?
Psychology of the mind. The thoughts you go through when leaving yer tratter parked up somewhere. Do you feel safe with it there? Is it well hidden so no one can't see it being broken into? Is there glass on the floor where other vehicles have previously been parked and smashed?
Yes but also unsettling/distracting the thief with stuff they ain't too sure about.. nicking cars is a skill learned/taught on standard cars with expected modifications/security arrangements.. think outside the box, be different..
:pound: yes of course!

Ok let me explain, what you have to do is..


Cool, I'm with you now that makes total sense will put that in to practice and can sleep sound knowing my fender is safe. Ever thought about going into the car security business:D

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