Hi Guys,

I have a 300tdi 130HCPU double cab defender with 111k on the clock.
It starts instantly, doesn't smoke while driving and pulls well.

In the long term i want to do everything i can to look after this engine to the best too my ability.

Do things like new silicone hoses... good rads and intercooler (allisport maybe)?
What are the benefits of doing this/ what should or can i do except the normal of regular servicing.

Its used weekly as my work horse pulling 3.5t and pulling trees over, i also want to take it on adventures, long drives and light off-roading

Thanks all !
Really the best you can do for an engine is regular servicing, mechanical sympathy when driving and just generally keep it in the best condition possible.
Change oil and filter every 5k, and work the thing, sometimes hard.
I would stick with standard rads and inetrcoolers, especially as you are using it for a living.

Unelss you start doing serious off roading, the car will do all you need in standard trim, it migh not be sexy looking etc, but it will keep doing its job for many years.
I echo everything huddy and lynall advise.
In my case, a 200 Tdi, I change oil and filter every 3000 miles. I've been doing this for 24 years and the engine still attracts positive comment from Mot and other interested observers.
I'm more relaxed with the fuel filter though, changing that usually on every 2nd occasion.
I find it a very quick and simple procedure and doesn't cost that much, particularly when you consider the benefits.
My philosophy is keep an eye on all the components you mention and if it ain't broke; don't mend it!
Regular servicing is they key, I do oil and filters every 6k on mine (200tdi) and fix anything else as soon as it comes up rather than leaving it to get worse. make sure you change the timing belt regularly, I would even recommend shortening the interval on that one as I had mine fail 10k before it was due.
I will aslo echo the above about driving with mechanical sympathy but at the same time giving the engine a good thrashing every so often to get it working hard (diesels like to be worked) but if you are towing and pulling trees that should work it nicely. With regular maintenance your engine should be good for a long time yet, at 111k it is just about run in, I have 330k on my 200tdi, so I the regular services must be paying off.
Plus one on all the above, and open the bonnet for a regular fluid check and look around. If something like a coolant leak just starting or rough looking fan belt can be caught early it all helps.
Its the body and chassis that requires more care, inject as much waxoyl as you can in every orofice, pull out hinge screws and spray inside bulkhead, open any holes you can and squirt in them,
(this not a porno but you need to get it well lubed up)
Regular servicing is they key, I do oil and filters every 6k on mine (200tdi) and fix anything else as soon as it comes up rather than leaving it to get worse. make sure you change the timing belt regularly, I would even recommend shortening the interval on that one as I had mine fail 10k before it was due.
I will aslo echo the above about driving with mechanical sympathy but at the same time giving the engine a good thrashing every so often to get it working hard (diesels like to be worked) but if you are towing and pulling trees that should work it nicely. With regular maintenance your engine should be good for a long time yet, at 111k it is just about run in, I have 330k on my 200tdi, so I the regular services must be paying off.

Iirc tdi standard oil change interval is actually 6k, ie you are doing it as per the book.
Iirc tdi standard oil change interval is actually 6k, ie you are doing it as per the book.
You are correct I am indeed, but I am doing everything by the books including the fluids often forgotten, swivels, coolant, brake fluid, etc. I also make sure everything is done by the book at the latest. A 6k interval is 6k, I do it at 5.5k rather than 6.5k so the maximum it ever goes between services is the book interval. I regularly do 600+ miles a week so putting a service off until next weekend could very quickly mean I am significantly over the service interval.
You are correct I am indeed, but I am doing everything by the books including the fluids often forgotten, swivels, coolant, brake fluid, etc. I also make sure everything is done by the book at the latest. A 6k interval is 6k, I do it at 5.5k rather than 6.5k so the maximum it ever goes between services is the book interval. I regularly do 600+ miles a week so putting a service off until next weekend could very quickly mean I am significantly over the service interval.

600 miles per week in a Defender!
600 miles per week :eek:! Due to covid shielding I don't think I have done 600mls in three months even though 90 gets driven nearly every day. Probably needs an Italian tune up now.:p
600 miles per week :eek:! Due to covid shielding I don't think I have done 600mls in three months even though 90 gets driven nearly every day. Probably needs an Italian tune up now.:p

I can beat that, 1000miles in 5.5 years!
600 miles per week in a Defender!
I am a key worker as a field engineer for a national logistics company so am all over the country. I have done 1200 miles since I serviced it last Wednesday which is why I cannot afford to delay a service. I wouldn't want to do it in anything else. Although it is high mileage it is enjoyable driving as I am in the 110, if I was in a boring plastic car it would just be a chore. The mileage paid rate covers fuel and nearly all the parts I need to keep it on the road, if I didn't do the miles I would have to pay for parts myself!
That's terrible, you need to get it out driving :eek: I do more than that a year my the series and that is a fair weather pottering around vehicle!

Even less in the series, bet it hasnt done 500 miles in them same 5.5 years.
Really should sell the defender, but kind of attached to the old thing!
I am a key worker as a field engineer for a national logistics company so am all over the country. I have done 1200 miles since I serviced it last Wednesday which is why I cannot afford to delay a service. I wouldn't want to do it in anything else. Although it is high mileage it is enjoyable driving as I am in the 110, if I was in a boring plastic car it would just be a chore. The mileage paid rate covers fuel and nearly all the parts I need to keep it on the road, if I didn't do the miles I would have to pay for parts myself!

I used to do much the same with a 300 disco I had years ago, bascially all I paid for was the insurance/roadtax, the pence per miles covered all running costs.

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