
Hello Folks,
Thought I would post this incase there is someone out there a stupid as me.
My car is a storm tuned D2 TD5 and used to rev its nuts off with it being an auto. Sick of this I opted to do something about it.
Bought a heavy duty adapter kit from Ashcroft transmissions, and a V8 torque converter from good old ebay.
Fitted it last weekend, and it wouldn't drive.( rang ashrofts and was told i had most liley fitted the wrong torque converter),true enough I had, fitted a Gems V8 torque converter when I should have fitted a Thor type.
Pulled it apart again yesterday and the fun began. The torque converter would not come off the gearbox shaft!! no amount of pulling would get it off.Only thing I could think to do was trash the bell housing by cutting a big enough hole for the angle grinder with a very thin cutting blade to get in. Once I had made a cut in the edge of the converter, my son slowly turned the TC while I kept the angle grinder steady.
Quite quickly we had the torque converter in half, Took out all the guts and cut more metal away until right at the beginning of the torque converter tube,I finally released it with a acurate blow with a cold chissel.
With it being the wrong torque converter, me revving it wondering why it wouldn't drive.
There was no oil being pumped and the end of the torque converter had pressed against the gearbox face, ripped off the two locating lugs on the oil pump and mushroomed over the end, thats why it wouldn't come off the shaft.
So now my landy is disabled waiting for a fresh bell housing and oil pump for the auto box.
Now I know there are two types of V8 Torque Converters.
Oh my, as far as DIY horror stories come, looks like you may very well have taken away the award by far.....was painful just reading that
Ha ha it was painful Finding out what i had done, better days ahead.
when I started the day I was singing in my head"getting to know you, getting to know all about you"
certainly helps if your a bit nutty.

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