****in thousands and thousands, building them from chassis upwards, every last nut and bolt ! or are we talking purchasing a new un?
my last count was ten grand, but thats buying, insuring, tax, parts more tax over several years and four landies...... i aint had that moneys all at the same time!!! an like 90 says, its deffinatly cheaper than golf!! :D
so far £200 but over the next few years ........... how longs a piece of string

probally the same question

about 14 years ago i did a full nut bolt rebuild on a 62 s2 took around a year cost about 1k but i didnt do anything to the taty body thats just painting chassis and new bolt on parts suspension, brakes and the like
:D yer right there mate, i dunt give a ****, i could drop dead tomorrow
Aye ye're no wrong there mate;)
Got a few more notes tae find soon as ah need a couple of rear stub axles, probably a couple of new rear brake cylinders, couple of rear half shafts, gaskets and maybe a couple of drive flanges:rolleyes::D
sayin that mate, i got a new distributor, fuel pump, coil , leads, plugs, gaskits, oil filter housing and filters rocker and sump gaskit today , will be busy tthe weekend :) **** the expanse ;)
go the britpart way, yerl get all that fer £25 hahahah, then yer can do it all again in 12 months
Feck ****part!!! Bin there, seen it, done it... never again;)
Seen some stuff on ebay that might come in handy... just need tae get rid off some of my stuff furst and build up some cash;):D
sayin that mate, i got a new distributor, fuel pump, coil , leads, plugs, gaskits, oil filter housing and filters rocker and sump gaskit today , will be busy tthe weekend :) **** the expanse ;)
Nice one mate:D Ye'll have that thing up and runnin' in nae time;):D
been lookin at galvanised chassis porn earlier, can wait till i done the axles, bulkhead, etc, no rush tho, its gorra be spot on , yer kno what am like, nawt but the best
been lookin at galvanised chassis porn earlier, can wait till i done the axles, bulkhead, etc, no rush tho, its gorra be spot on , yer kno what am like, nawt but the best
Oh Aye:D Ah wouldn't mind a nice galvy chassis mesel', ah'll have tae wait until ah'm rich furst tho';)
Anyways mate, ah'm off tae me scratcher as ah'm still knackered from the weekend... and got tae catch some zeds before this weekend! Off tae the local game fair so ah think there will be some serious drinkin' on the Sat night;)
Catch ye anon mate;):D
at a guess we've spent as much on it in 3 months as we paid for it !! but who cares, she is worth it, any vehicle that can go up and down the ****ty potholed farm track twice a day without falling apart like a comedy clown car is worth every penny;)

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