
With the current temps here in the uk being a bit cooler then normal my disco's heater (96 tdi) only ever blows warm and if you put the blower on high speed it actually cools the heater down. Was wondering if anyone else has this problem or isti just mine? Does anyone know of anything that could be causing this or anything that could improve it? By the way it doesn,t really get hot when stood in traffic and the temp gauge never gets much above the lower end of the gauge.

Any help greatfully accepted as its like drivin roung in a fridge!!!

cheers day
Thermostat? Sounds like it is either the wrong rating or just knackered. Other than that it could be a multitude of things from airlocks, sludge in the heater matrix... and so on. Do the pipes that lead into the heater feel hot or is all a bit tepid?
Mine is slow to warm up at around -10c and below but as soon as temp guage shows movement I get heat and the disco does have a good heater on it. As above, thermostat etc as it should be performing better than you describe.
In agreement with the above post, the disco's heater is fantastic!
As soon as the needle move off the stop, i get warm air (about 1/2 a mile) and once the engine is at full running temperature, it nearly burns my hands when set on full hot, 2 on the fan and coming from the footwells and dash vents...
I had a similar problem with our old 200 Tdi. The heater started blowing really cold last November and I convinced myself the thermostat was knackered. After a week or so something made me decide to check the coolant level - and surprise surprise - there was none whatsoever. Strangely enough refilling and then 'fixing' the water leak made a big difference! [Although I did replace the thermostat too for good measure.]

Oh, by the way, 'hello all' - new here, first post and all that.
Hi Shunty and welcome to the crazy place. I had the same thing on my old 300tdi for the first two years of owning her, I just thought it was a crap heater, until I changed the stat and then lovely and toasty within a couple of miles even on the coldest mornings.:D
Had 2 Discos now, but have really good heaters and temp gauge always sits just below half way.

Sound like you need to investigate further

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