
Active Member
I'm How Does a Hotwire System time itself with out a crank position sensor?

Bulk injector firing?

If so someone explain this to me....

it doesnt it is not timed it relies on the fact that valves open shut that fast that it dosent matter ,it just squirts fuel at valve
Basically it wastes fuel like there's no tomorrow.

Although there is a conspiracy theory!

DOES the system inject 1/4 of the amount of fuel each time, so by the time that the 4th squirt comes along and the valve actually opens there is the correct amount of fuel there, thus meaning the mixture is correct and it doesn't waste any.

If it fires the correct amount each time and wastes the other three then that would explain the general rich running.

I don't know, never worked it out.

But yeah it just bank fires in time with a pulse from the coil, and just hopes to find an open valve followed by a spark some time :)
cant really waste it ,though not as good as a timed system when engines running its like squirting fuel into constant stream of air entering valve, at 2000 revs alves opening a 1000 times a minuet
inbetween jobs and when having tea which is most of the day

Going on the basis that you have 1 cup of tea per post, and you have been on the forum for exactly 10 months, you would have had 27.97 cups of tea per day.

That's effectively 28 but with a little bit of tea left in the tea bag.

I know it's a generalisation because I don't know what day you joined the forum, but basically what I'm saying is does your milkman have a Rolls Royce or Bentley?

Cheers :D
Going on the basis that you have 1 cup of tea per post, and you have been on the forum for exactly 10 months, you would have had 27.97 cups of tea per day.

That's effectively 28 but with a little bit of tea left in the tea bag.

I know it's a generalisation because I don't know what day you joined the forum, but basically what I'm saying is does your milkman have a Rolls Royce or Bentley?

Cheers :D

Mr Noisy you are seriously :cool::cool::cool:

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