
Active Member
The heater comes out of the vent by my knees on the drivers side but does not get to windscreen. How do I get to that pipe, does the whole dash board need to come out or is there a panel I can remove? It is a series 3 by the way. Any help would be most grateful.:confused:
The manual is pretty poor at explaining how the dash goes together. There are some reasonable drawings in the parts books but you'll need the optional parts book as well for the whole story. The blower pushes air into a chamber under the front parcel shelf and hinged flaps control the flow between the lower vents and the demist vents. These are usually rusted up or have a broken control cable which prevents you diverting the air from the lower vents to the screen. Good luck....
Take out the dash, 2 screws, mind you don't pull any wires off, it might just be the pipe has come'll see with the aid of a torch as to wots wot..
Cheers. Have had a half hearted go at looking in behind dash, will have another look. Will also try to source a parts book as an exploded view of these things always helps.
Cheers mad git. The pipe had come adrift. Once I had shaved my hand down to the size of a four year ilds I was able to get my hand in an reattach it.

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