Is there an option anywhere in the control panel to delete an account?

Sorry no, you just have to log out and forget us ...
think of us only now and again when some idiot mentions tyres and what engine oil to use ....
Ask an admin ..
Ask openly ...
Don't be afraid ....
They don't take too much bribing .....
Thank You for all your replies, all I wanted to do was change my online name, I have contacted the Powers too B, by sending a direct message via their contact Tab, still no answer!!!!!
So, for anyone who may by interested, I was RAX1P in former Threads!
Tell admin they are a bunch if f@&£" t#%$$€s who are #}{%^^ing their %}}#%#€€$ into a %##€¥$^ :)$€€%#¥> teleporter. Without pepper.

That should do the trick. ;)

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