
New Member
I've got a n reg discovery xs an I'm looking for ways to make it lighter it had side steps on it they've gone I've took the spare off the back anything else I could do? An has anyone tried putting 2stroke oil in with the diesel I've heard it makes the engine quieter??
Take the extra seats out. What are you trying to achieve? Is getting radical take all th seats out and replace with recaros(or not at all), sound deadening and carpet. That stuff is pretty heavy fo what it is.
beat the **** out of the underside that will make it lighter,rust can be heavy,why do you want to make it lighter anyway?
Take all the windows out, glass is heavy.

That means you could also remove the window winder mechanisms and motors, which also weigh a lot .. then all the associated wiring, burn the plastic off and sell the copper wire, might get some money for it that way too .. ;)

Lots of odd wires and pipes in the engine bay, I'm sure some of them could be junked .. just wave a recip saw about, and lob the bits away, you'll be OK ..

Diesel is also quite heavy, so make sure you bubble helium gas through it, and only have 3 litres of diesel in at a time.

I also find most oils, like diff oil and gearbox oil can be junked, and you could even use this in the diesel tank .. saves buying diesel, so a saving there too ..

Don't bother with a tax disc holder, some of them are excessively over weight, just lick the front of the tax disc, it'll stick!

Bonnet is also heavy, remove all the soundproofing, then the bonnet, they weight loads. Get some thin hardboard to cover it and a light spray of paint so it blends in and for waterproofing, it's a well known mod amongst 1pw's.

Get the smallest shocks, springs and tyres you can find, slam it to the ground, less weight .. ;)

Lower the roof, cut the pillars down, small bit of welding, big returns on weight saving.

Anything that's bolted on, check the bolts and remove every second one, for instance the sump I believe has about fifteen bolts!! FIFTEEN, ffs, remove seven of 'em, halved the wight right there .. I'm sure the transfer and gearbox covers can be done similarly, and the head, rocker box, timing case .. just imagine the weight savings.

Actually, just buy a Fiat Panda .. they're only about a quarter the weight already ..
Take all the windows out, glass is heavy.

That means you could also remove the window winder mechanisms and motors, which also weigh a lot .. then all the associated wiring, burn the plastic off and sell the copper wire, might get some money for it that way too .. ;)

Lots of odd wires and pipes in the engine bay, I'm sure some of them could be junked .. just wave a recip saw about, and lob the bits away, you'll be OK ..

Diesel is also quite heavy, so make sure you bubble helium gas through it, and only have 3 litres of diesel in at a time.

I also find most oils, like diff oil and gearbox oil can be junked, and you could even use this in the diesel tank .. saves buying diesel, so a saving there too ..

Don't bother with a tax disc holder, some of them are excessively over weight, just lick the front of the tax disc, it'll stick!

Bonnet is also heavy, remove all the soundproofing, then the bonnet, they weight loads. Get some thin hardboard to cover it and a light spray of paint so it blends in and for waterproofing, it's a well known mod amongst 1pw's.

Get the smallest shocks, springs and tyres you can find, slam it to the ground, less weight .. ;)

Lower the roof, cut the pillars down, small bit of welding, big returns on weight saving.

Anything that's bolted on, check the bolts and remove every second one, for instance the sump I believe has about fifteen bolts!! FIFTEEN, ffs, remove seven of 'em, halved the wight right there .. I'm sure the transfer and gearbox covers can be done similarly, and the head, rocker box, timing case .. just imagine the weight savings.

Actually, just buy a Fiat Panda .. they're only about a quarter the weight already ..
brake discs are heavy and brake fluid is very dense, the weight of copper brake pipe soon adds up anorl, so you can lose all that. just make sure you put a lump of 2x4 under the drivers seat to wedge against the wheel when you want to slow down. remove the body panels, replace the enjun with pedals, rebuild it on a plywood chassis ...

or just trade it in for a gokart?
Dont forget about removing the dual mass fly wheel and clutch both very heavy items. Dont need them, just make sure your always going down hill and youll be fine.
just make sure you put a lump of 2x4 under the drivers seat to wedge against the wheel when you want to slow down.

up the wrong tree with this one as the 2x4 will have some weight too.

Much better to just cut big holes in the floor pan and put your feet down to brake, in the style of fred flintstone, the metal removed will also save weight
take the engine and gearbox out and bin them,put pedals in it.will be a lot lighter then.;)
brake discs are heavy and brake fluid is very dense, the weight of copper brake pipe soon adds up anorl, so you can lose all that. just make sure you put a lump of 2x4 under the drivers seat to wedge against the wheel when you want to slow down. remove the body panels, replace the enjun with pedals, rebuild it on a plywood chassis ...

or just trade it in for a gokart?

:rofl::rofl: The part about slowing down his truck with a 2x4 brings back memories of those old flintstones cartoons...
Whatever it is you have in mind for your car, do you think could do without the axles? Those things are awfully heavy and you would be saving some major weight losing them.... You could check on flea bay for a plastic engine block to swap for that heavy lump that is weighing the front of your vehicle down :D
I've got a n reg discovery xs an I'm looking for ways to make it lighter it had side steps on it they've gone I've took the spare off the back anything else I could do? An has anyone tried putting 2stroke oil in with the diesel I've heard it makes the engine quieter??

wire brush the chassis and remove the boot floor
Your all missing the point here, strip out the interior and fill it with helium baloons, you couls also fill the tyres with helium :bounce:

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