
Active Member
Hi Guys

Just an FYI last night (24-09-16) at 2:30am I woke to the sound of people / person in my house. After shouting they made off hearing them hit the door on their way out i made it too the door within seconds but sadly couldn't see them. a number of items stolen but after reviewing cctv they were in my house for roughly 1 minute which in my small house house is a long time 1 possibility they were looking for my land rover keys and when disturbed made of with a few things close to hand (house keys, car key (ford, Honda) hand bag etc. thank fully not the landy keys which were elsewhere.

This was in the swindon area
Almost everyone leaves their keys by the door and it's becoming an increasingly frequent way of stealing vehicles :(
Safest place for house keys safe keys etc if you own a Freelander, is left in the ignition with the car keys. :D
Hi Guys

Just an FYI last night (24-09-16) at 2:30am I woke to the sound of people / person in my house. After shouting they made off hearing them hit the door on their way out i made it too the door within seconds but sadly couldn't see them. a number of items stolen but after reviewing cctv they were in my house for roughly 1 minute which in my small house house is a long time 1 possibility they were looking for my land rover keys and when disturbed made of with a few things close to hand (house keys, car key (ford, Honda) hand bag etc. thank fully not the landy keys which were elsewhere.

This was in the swindon area

What kind of hand bag do you have? Was it a Freelander they were after:rolleyes:

Mind and beef up your security, now they've been coz they may return if they've seen something worthy of nicking!

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