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Ever since sorting out my leaky swivel ball with a new oil seal and bearings last week I've been having issues with hot hubs.

I've changed wheel bearings more times than I can remember but I've never had to adjust them 4 times like I have on this Disco of mine. After I did the swivel ball I had a good look at the hub bearings and they were mint so rather than fitting new ones I left them in. Went on a 20 mile test drive and when I got back home the hub was squeeling round corners and under light braking. So felt it and ouch! red hot! had the hub off again and checked all was good. All good. Made sure I didnt overtighten the hub nut. (literally tighten up whilst turning the hub till cant anymore with hub box spanner then slacken and redo hand tight.) All back together and went for another run and still the same.

Next day I got some new bearings and hub seal and fitted them up. Checked the workshop manual to make sure I wasnt being special when refitting and did everything by the book. Test drive and still the same.

I'm still using it and it seems fine to start off with and then after 3 miles it starts squeeling even in a straight line sometimes but mainly round corners and under light braking.

the hub is still too hot to touch after a 20 mile run. I know this isnt normal so has anyone else got any ideas what i'm doing wrong here?

Starting to wonder if its dodgy grease. It was a fresh pot when I first did the swivel ball so it shouldn't have gone bad. Wonder if it could be brakes but the noise definitely doesn't sound like squeeling brakes.

It's a 96 300tdi Disco.

are you sure calipers not sticking,.when doing wheel brg you tighten to seat brg properly then back off and retighten by hand just enough to remove freeplay then refit lockwasher and 2nd nut then tighten tight this puts enough preload on brgs ,taper brgs when run in shouldnt have preload or freeplay ,you preload new brgs so that when run in they are neutral for want of better description,grease should be forced into brg and not placed around it
Yeah that sounds exactly like what I did. I did wonder if it could be the caliper but how would it be intermittent?
Blimey my dislexia is bad today HOT TUBS AND SQUEELING B........ totaly miss read that was very disapointed i can tell ya :doh: :D
i have had intermittent caliper squeel and sticking on the doisco a few years back

i duno it just was intermittent then aswell

im thinking if its getting too hot to touch it must be brakes, cos bearings tend not to get THAT hot.

also, does bearing still feel good? hot bearings dont feel like smooth bearings.

remove caliper, put wood between 2 pistons and push other two out with brake pedal, spray wd40 on piston sides and work in out til they seem better, and repeat for the other two pistons.

see what happens, my moneys on brakes anyway.
WD40 has a detrimental effect on rubber seals and the like.
I use a green plastic abrasive washing-up pad to clean pistons, washed off with meths.
Silicon spray is ok I believe as a lube, red rubber grease(silicon?) is obviously prefered.
Cheers for the advice guys. I took it out today and as always it was squeeling so as soon as i pulled up on the drive I got the jack out. Does seem as if its the caliper. The wheel feels smooth as you like bearing wise but something is definitely grabbing.

Gonna give the calipers a good old clean although they don't seem too bad tbh. I was wondering if it could be because after I did the bearings I cleaned the disks with detergent to remove grease etc and I wonder if thats causing the squeel.

Pretty sure its not the bearing tho cos I woulda thought that by now if they'd been getting this hot they would've collapsed.

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