Bloke from Dorset
Anyone else read Dave Phillips article on page 171 of this months LRM?
It's worth reading, he's talking alot of sense and I think it would be a fine idea to perhaps set up an inter forum 'Hooligan Watch' to catch those trashing the lanes and get them reported to the relevant authorities.....if you love your hobby you'll do your bit to save it;)
Anyone else read Dave Phillips article on page 171 of this months LRM?
It's worth reading, he's talking alot of sense and I think it would be a fine idea to perhaps set up an inter forum 'Hooligan Watch' to catch those trashing the lanes and get them reported to the relevant authorities.....if you love your hobby you'll do your bit to save it;)

Haven't got tat far through yet but I agree,

Name and shame and report
im in.

Getting rid of the ****ers is definitely a good idea.
Don't get any of the mags, is there an on-line version of the article?

Sounds like something I'd broadly be in favour of ..

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