
New Member
Hi guy's i have got myself a 1987 range rover classic, and i want to get it a bit better water freindly as it doesn't like water, i have seen the wading kits on ebay for about £30 but i could do with a snorkel, someone has told me they are easy enough to fit but its only easy if you know how to do it, so does anybody know where i can download some kind of instructions.
Thanks alot
I take it your's is a petrol RRC? If so there is a lot more to waterproofing a V8 then just adding a snorkel. Petrols and water don't mix very well so you have to be very careful when deciding to wade. that you have sealed everything up as best you can. or you'll be literally "dead in the water."

Have a look in here for tips on waterproofing it. It's for a AEC Matador army truck but the principles the same.

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