
Active Member
I am aware of the normal way of finding lanes (OS Map, GLASS, trailwise, wetroads etc) but has anyone ever done a complete list of legal lanes for the UK? This ideally would be categorised into county's for ease of use. I am aware the amount of work this would take and time for research etc I'm just surprised no one already has (that I know of).
Do you have experience of working with the local government they can't organise bin collections in there own patches they ain't gonna talk to each other about lanes and their current status.
It would be out of date before you finished, even with constant updating by users trail wise isn't always spot on
Nope, I know of no such database, but like many Memory map users I have a copy of the whole database that Trailwise was based on setup as tracks overlays. I use them as 'possible' lanes for when I'm in another area, then do my checking from there.

As a 'for instance' of the amount of work involved ... and what I do for laning and recording where I've been ..

This 1st pic shows the map at 1:250 scale and shows many lanes (Routes) in blue and some areas with red marks which are Tracks that we've followed, lanes and roads to get between them, ecorded via GPS.


The blue marks are either lanes or fords I haven't done yet, and many of them are waypoints on routes .. this being the default setting in MM

The next pic is an area in greater detail ..


So what this shows are Routes and waypoints in Blue, many in green but still blue waypoints and many Tracks (GPS tracks) where I've actually been. The green tracks are those I know to be legal and viable as a Byway .. which doesn't always mean just any vehicle can drive them .. ;) There are now some purple tracks, these are what I've marked as they are known to be TRO'd or otherwise unuseable.

However .. there simply isn't time to keep up with every change you make when you go out, unless it's all you ever do! Certainly, I wouldn't do that amount of effort and simply pass it on without some payment of some kind .. but even then, Tracks I currently _know_ to be open and legal might change tonight ... The above pics are pretty old, I have a lot more, and more up to date, info on my 'main' computer, not on this laptop, but that's info compiled over the years, not all from GPS sampling, but also transferring from my old paper maps, other peoples input etc etc I often thought about selling a couple of old laptops with the info copied onto them, but never got round to it ... ;)
I don't use Memory Maps any more ever since they wanted to charge me again for maps I already have.

I know use Navigator+ for general navigation & ViewRanger for laning.
I don't use Memory Maps any more ever since they wanted to charge me again for maps I already have.

I know use Navigator+ for general navigation & ViewRanger for laning.

I got fed up with MM being so uptight with transferring maps to other devices and not being savvy enough to bypass having to buy the lot again when I changed my phone I moved to Viewranger anorl
I don't, and never did, buy MM, or it's maps either, torrents work well.

I use MMTracker (MM tried to bring them down) on the phone and tablet (Tesco Hudl) and it's a most excellent app, turning the map so you're always travelling 'up' .. so much easier for navigation and leading a group when laning.
All my IT gear is Apple so I'm limited to MM. As Paul says it can be a pain as it is North-up all the time but you get used to it in time. It's a pity there's no better app for Apple gear. Not found one that syncs on IPhone, IPad and Mac
All my IT gear is Apple so I'm limited to MM. As Paul says it can be a pain as it is North-up all the time but you get used to it in time. It's a pity there's no better app for Apple gear. Not found one that syncs on IPhone, IPad and Mac

I use Navigator+ for general navigation & ViewRanger for laning on both my I=phone and Nexus 7
I don't, and never did, buy MM, or it's maps either, torrents work well.

I use MMTracker (MM tried to bring them down) on the phone and tablet (Tesco Hudl) and it's a most excellent app, turning the map so you're always travelling 'up' .. so much easier for navigation and leading a group when laning.

do yu use the free version or ver 2.1?
V1.10.4 Didn't know there was a V2.1 .. but I'll check it out. Don't mind paying a reasonable amount for decent software.

Android Availabilty Functionality
MM Tracker FREE - 1.6+ free - Only display of maps and crosshair
MM Tracker 2.1+ not free - Full functionality
MM Tracker 16 - 1.6+ not free - Full functionality except:volume buttons for zoom, long click search button to center GPS, D-Pad usage to scroll
IMPORTANT: MM Tracker 16 will not be developed any further. Please drop me a mail if you would like to switch from MM Tracker 16 to MM Tracker.
All my IT gear is Apple so I'm limited to MM. As Paul says it can be a pain as it is North-up all the time but you get used to it in time. It's a pity there's no better app for Apple gear. Not found one that syncs on IPhone, IPad and Mac

Use viewranger and purchase OS maps for the area on the iphone with no probs. Also used memory map OS maps although this was on a road angel gps

Android Availabilty Functionality
MM Tracker FREE - 1.6+ free - Only display of maps and crosshair
MM Tracker 2.1+ not free - Full functionality
MM Tracker 16 - 1.6+ not free - Full functionality except:volume buttons for zoom, long click search button to center GPS, D-Pad usage to scroll
IMPORTANT: MM Tracker 16 will not be developed any further. Please drop me a mail if you would like to switch from MM Tracker 16 to MM Tracker.
Mine has full functionality, but is V1.10.4 ...
Hi everyone. Iv been trying to work out mm and viewranger for a wile but I just can't get my head around it and I don't want to pay for something I can't work out

I'm not good with computers but using so meany paper maps is becoming a chore

I downloaded mm tracker onto my hudle1 lastnight but I can't see any maps can anyone help?
Just read what MMT says .. you need to setup the Maps, Tracks, Routes etc folders on the Hudl from within the MMT app, then copy maps to that folder in their original (.qct) format, I just connected Hudl to my laptop and copy 'n pasted .. ;) Same for tracks and other overlay items.
E="Paul D, post: 3537774, member: 8643"]Just read what MMT says .. you need to setup the Maps, Tracks, Routes etc folders on the Hudl from within the MMT app, then copy maps to that folder in their original (.qct) format, I just connected Hudl to my laptop and copy 'n pasted .. ;) Same for tracks and other overlay items.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the reply. Sorry I don't rely understand any of that but I will try and work it out thanks

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