
New Member
Hi guys and girls, first off I'm not as new as I seem I just can't find my old account. Had a series 3 a few years back and had to get rid of it for personal bank account reasons :( however recently me and my better half got ourselves a freelander, post face lift 2004 tdi. I haven't had much time to learn the model so I'm deferring to the experts that have helped me in the past with the series 3 (you guys!)

So today my better half had the unfortunate luck of a deer jumping out on her and she couldn't stop in time. It came from left to right and ended up on the opposite carriageway I believe from the description

It wasn't far from home so it's been picked up by our local mechanic whose going to look at it tomorrow but he's no expert in this model or in fact land rovers at all I believe.

Steam was venting from the right side of the bonnet (which is dented) I'm praying this isn't a radiator issue! But possibly air con? The bumpers been hit is there anything major behind that (directly) that could have been affected? The right wing was damaged but again I don't know what sits behind those panels.

The grill and bonnet too but I was expecting that to be honest but no steam directly from the front which I hope means the grill took the impact well.

I'll try get some pics once we go back to see it (I have a broken ankle from an unrelated motorcycle crash so this is making us a bit tight on money having one bike written off and potentially the car too)

I understand I'm asking a lot here and diagnosing issues over the net is a wild goose chase at best but any insight into the potential damage would be appreciated.

Thanks :)
Guessing is difficult. Steam means liquid loss so expect some coolant leaks. The bumper has a length of metal behind it. I've known golf's to be repaired after a deer hit them. It's luck of the draw on what damage you have unfortunately.
Aww damn about the air con gasses, we'll get the full report today I hope. Deer wouldn't fit in the freezer it was too big :(!

I'm hoping it's just a hose then and if so then it's coolant. I'll see if we can get some photos up this evening.

And I can't check it out because of my broken ankle otherwise I'd be over there tallying up the damage and ordering parts :)!
Aww damn about the air con gasses, we'll get the full report today I hope. Deer wouldn't fit in the freezer it was too big :(!

I'm hoping it's just a hose then and if so then it's coolant. I'll see if we can get some photos up this evening.

And I can't check it out because of my broken ankle otherwise I'd be over there tallying up the damage and ordering parts :)!
Perhaps after it's butchered, it will fit. :D
This is what (my L Series) Freelander looks like with the plastic bumper removed. For anything to do with the coolant system to be damaged from outside... its go to go through the rad first!

The wings are plastic, suprised they would be left bent - unless the metal they're fixed to (ie the chassis) has gone as well.


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