
Active Member
Continuing from my previous thread regarding diesel leak, turns out it was the pump leaking.
I have removed everything needed for access and i have the special tool.

I removed the 17mm allen key plug and the 21mm nut on the pump shaft.
I screwed land Rover tool LRT 12-178/1 into the timing chain cover, then Land rover tool LRT12-178 into the pump drive sprocket. Then i tightened the bolt all the way in. then loosened the three nuts holding the pump to see if there was any movement but the pump is still pretty solid.

Am i doing something wrong??
As far as I remember you're meant to remove the three pump bolts before using the LRTs. The bolt you've tightened in will crack the pump spindle loose, but it can't do that if the pump's still fastened to the engine. Pull the LRTs off and start again now the pump is loose.
Sorry i worded it wrong, i loosened the 3 retaining nuts (pump) then wound the bolt in expecting it to pop loose
Sorry i worded it wrong, i loosened the 3 retaining nuts (pump) then wound the bolt in expecting it to pop loose
OK. But still, one of the LRTs can't be in fully. Start again and make sure everything is bottomed out.

You shouldn't be able to wind that last bolt in fully - the pump cracks loose well before it's fully in usually.
Let's back up a little.

1. Separate the LRTs into their three parts.
2. Tighten in the first one to the timing cover.
3. Screw in the sprocket-holding part WITHOUT ITS BOLT.
4. Screw in the final bolt until the pump cracks loose.
Unless your LRT set is defective, it will not be possible to screw in the final bolt all the way unless you have fitted the second part incorrectly - with the sprocket holder in place, the pump spindle sticks right into it, leaving no room for the bolt to go all the way in. You MUST have made a mistake with the sprocket holder. Check it again.
Don't see how i could have fitted the second part incorrectly, the first part (collar) guides it in.
How far does the second part go in? Is there still some of it showing outside the collar
I can't really remember. I screwed it in till it stopped, and I recall the pump spindle was well inside it, almost up to the bolt threads - that's why I think you haven't got it in far enough.
I can see the edge of the spindle with the tool removed.
When i put the second part in it went in untill there was about a 10mm of the spanner head sticking out
With the tool in place, feel how far in the pump spindle is - it surely can't be further in than the length of the bolt, can it?
I can't really remember. I screwed it in till it stopped, and I recall the pump spindle was well inside it, almost up to the bolt threads - that's why I think you haven't got it in far enough.

That sounds about right.
I know there are no instructions with the tool and the manuals just say to use the tool to remove the pump but it is sort of obvious when you fit it. I found that when I first fitted the collar it would not screw very far so I cleaned the threads and then it went all the way in.
If I recall correctly you are using the tool to hold the sprocket in place (the most important bit) and then the bolt to push the pump spindle free.


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