
New Member
Hi guys
I thought you might be interesred in hearing about an unmarked police Discovery TD5 on 52 plate. My P/officer friend was parked up "monitoring traffic" when i passed him in my Freelander,We are both landrover fanatics so we got chatting about the police disco. I was looking at all the police equipment inside and how it differed from a normal one and he gave me a demo of the very well consealad blue strobes and sirens. I was amazed to find out and see for myself that the disco had done 255,000 miles in 4 years. My friend confirmed that it was still the original engine and 2nd clutch (changed at 85,000) and that nothing major had gone wrong with it despite it having been thrashed beyond belief. He puts it down to servicing every 10,000 and this just shows the strength of these cars even when given such a hard life.
They also change the tyres and brakes every 4,500 whether needed or not-imagine paying the bill for that.

Anyway the point of all this is to find out if anyone knows of any disco with more mileage than this one.

Please respond if you do.

Thats some mileage in 4 years, good to know they can stand up to it. Tyre change is a bit extreme though. My tyres are still only about half worn after 30,000 miles.
when you imagine that racing cars change the tyres and brakes after every race, you begin to see why the police do a similar thing to their cars.
they know from experience, that tyres treated like those, go off the boil and need changing pretty frequently.

ps, the works rally car teams, change their tyres after every single stage if possible!
aye but yer race tyres are a very different compound designed to give max grip over a relatively short period.
where as yer road tyres are designed to last longer then 15 laps around castle combe and cope with all weather and temperature not to mention varying road surfaces or the fact that it might start to rain at any minute or snow.
yer race cars can pull into the pits when it rains and get 'special' wet tyres fitted..

same wiff yer rally cars they have differing tyres fer differing stages.. you wont catch them using tarmac tyres on gravel or gravel tyres in snow
Hi guys
I thought you might be interesred in hearing about an unmarked police Discovery TD5 on 52 plate. He puts it down to servicing every 10,000 and this just shows the strength of these cars even when given such a hard life.
They also change the tyres and brakes every 4,500 whether needed or not-imagine paying the bill for that.

With Respect "what a load of crap! !!!!!

My Best Friend is workshop chargehand for Derbyshire County Council, His job is to maintain and service all the Police vehicles for the county along with all the fire service vehicles too.

All police vehicles are safety checked every 4 weeks, this is regardless of the mileage they have covered.

Due to a recent change in government guidelines, he is no longer allowed to change a vehicles tyres unless they will be below 3mm in tread depth at the next safety/service check, Also if break pads have more than 40% life left then they too are not replaced.
Hi guys
I thought you might be interesred in hearing about an unmarked police Discovery TD5 on 52 plate. He puts it down to servicing every 10,000 and this just shows the strength of these cars even when given such a hard life.
They also change the tyres and brakes every 4,500 whether needed or not-imagine paying the bill for that.

With Respect "what a load of crap! !!!!!

My Best Friend is workshop chargehand for Derbyshire County Council, His job is to maintain and service all the Police vehicles for the county along with all the fire service vehicles too.

All police vehicles are safety checked every 4 weeks, this is regardless of the mileage they have covered.

Due to a recent change in government guidelines, he is no longer allowed to change a vehicles tyres unless they will be below 3mm in tread depth at the next safety/service check, Also if break pads have more than 40% life left then they too are not replaced.

Mr Retsgom,

Whilst i appreciate your response to my thread regarding the police discovery i think your term "What a load of crap" is a bit harsh.
I believe the info i gave to be accurate and while what your friend said mayby the case in Derbyshire i think you will find that rules and procedures vary from county to county usually depending on the budget they have to spend on their vehicles. However - the only point of my thread was to let people know about the mileage these vehicles are capable of and for anyone to let me know of any other high mileage examples !!!
snigger! ha ha
you got told orf by a newbie!! even if he missed the bit about it being a goverment guideline.
personally i think if they really are changing **** that often they are wasting a hellafa lot of tax payers money

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