
New Member
Hi, we have just bought our first Landy and we have obviously joined your 'Landyzone' for information/tips etc.
But after reading through a lot of your forum we will not be visiting or using your site again - I have never seen so much bad language and disrespect on a forum before, we are all entitled to our own opinions, so we will leave you to yours.
Hi, we have just bought our first Landy and we have obviously joined your 'Landyzone' for information/tips etc.
But after reading through a lot of your forum we will not be visiting or using your site again - I have never seen so much bad language and disrespect on a forum before, we are all entitled to our own opinions, so we will leave you to yours.

You have obviously read the anythin goes section :doh:.... there is alot more other sections that have very usefull advice/information.... busters landrover repairs are an excellent step by step guide to fix/repair landys. Maybe have a look at some other sections before you decide to leave....

:welcome: btw and shut the door on the way out. :D

Fookin hell I said like diplomatic daft.... or even Mr Ratty :eek:
hm wot i dont get is why post to say you aren't going to be posting???? seems like a lot of effort to me.
annuver wind up merchant maybe ;)

if youre so easily offended then this probably isnt the place for you, if you have a thick skin and a sense of humour this can be a great forum for help.

but if your so quick to judge then

Hi, we have just bought our first Landy and we have obviously joined your 'Landyzone' for information/tips etc.
But after reading through a lot of your forum we will not be visiting or using your site again - I have never seen so much bad language and disrespect on a forum before, we are all entitled to our own opinions, so we will leave you to yours.
go and do one then if u dont like it on here see yeh:multiply:
Hi, we have just bought our first Landy and we have obviously joined your 'Landyzone' for information/tips etc.
But after reading through a lot of your forum we will not be visiting or using your site again - I have never seen so much bad language and disrespect on a forum before, we are all entitled to our own opinions, so we will leave you to yours.

I've seen worse language and disrespect on other forums, but if what you're reading here offends you, then you probably are in the wrong place.

You might want to weigh up the advantages of being able to talk directly to experienced people with that of maintaining a stance of intolerance to others' acceptable standards of communication.

Probably best to avoid the off-topic section as well.

Welcome anyway, from a recent newbie.
Come on, you can handle this motley crew! They may spell badly, and smell worse, but they know these vehicles inside and out.

I'm a Yank and I'm a member of a similar forum here in the U.S. (similar may be the wrong word, but anyway, it's a Land Rover forum) and it doesn't compare in the scope of knowledge contained within the Landyzone.
Hi, we have just bought our first Landy and we have obviously joined your 'Landyzone' for information/tips etc.
But after reading through a lot of your forum we will not be visiting or using your site again - I have never seen so much bad language and disrespect on a forum before, we are all entitled to our own opinions, so we will leave you to yours.

'joined for info/tips' ? USER!
Let me look in my bothered pocket..............

nope, its empty, ring the samaritans instead, apparently THEY give a

Go buy a 5HITUBISHI 5HITGUN and join some ar5e-kissin riceburner site!

BTW :welcome2:
gotta be contender for pointless post of the month.. Fine he found us and joined up. but therein lies the first sign that his intelligence level leaves a lot to be desired.

Common sense says have a look around and then decide if it's the sort of forum you want to join. Not join and then decide you don't like the place.

A name like cortinatwaat is further sign of low intelligence Who the fook would admit to owning a cortina ?? :(

And then informing us that he doesn't like the forum?? Like why the **** would we be interested in his opinion.

So in summation your honour. I suggest that the OP is a fick bastid. and should be treated as one forthwith.. :D

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