
New Member
I am quite new to these forum thingies, but thought I had better get with technology, my wife say's I am behind with the times, any way I hope to enjoy my time/times on this site,
I am quite new to these forum thingies, but thought I had better get with technology, my wife say's I am behind with the times, any way I hope to enjoy my time/times on this site,
:welcome2:Welcome to the forum Bill. Word of warning come in armed with a Good sense of humour and thick skin. There is a worrld of usful information in here some realy good people, who really enjoy ripping the you know what out of everybody and their Landy. Especially Freelander drivers! So don't take yourself, car toseriously and you will have a laugh.:D:D
My mate left edinburgh at teatime tonight to go up to wick, he phoned an hour or so ago and said he was stopping at pitlochry as the freezing fog was really bad , looks like its already up your way.
Yep. Wind, snow, grits (small hail) and drifting. Not much lying here really but a mile down the road could be a different story - normal Caithness style winter weather. Hope your mate gets back to Wick safely - by the way, your mate hasn't just travelled up from Wales has he?

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