Welcome Mrs B.

Yer man there has a III with a 4.0 in it? Insist that he lets YOU take it off road (just so you won't have to try to take an interest).

If he's a caring bone in his body he won't refuse & then you won't have to TRY to take an interest (c'mon, you've already said it ROX!).......you'll be hooked.

Er.....just an idea!

Hiya lucy_b,
my girlfriend is in the same position as you, see can't see past the fact that it's not "Only a car"! But then I don't get walking round shops looking at shoes? Its a pair of Shoes? For work? Who cares? She came home this afternoon, I'm led under the Discovery, upto my eyeballs in grease then asks if I wanted an ice-cream! I love her to bits but passing me the spanner I needed would have been a better idea! I agree with Marcus, get your bloke to let you have a play next time he goes off-roading and you'll soon be hooked!

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