nomore disco

New Member
hello everybody iam new to your amazing group, are we going to have lots of fun, i have up graded to a free lander from a disco 200 tdi, its sexy red and its the bees knees its alot more reliable, so all you disco lovers please please upgrade
hello everybody iam new to your amazing group, are we going to have lots of fun, i have up graded to a free lander from a disco 200 tdi, its sexy red and its the bees knees its alot more reliable, so all you disco lovers please please upgrade
welcome its a bit quiet the nite n yer night git a bit o stick fer yer errant ways hope yer saving fer when it all gos wrong
Yah call that an upgrade. The doors are gonna fall off and it won't go up hills neither. :D ;)
wHAT DO YOU MEAN??? IT HAS MORE GUTS THAN A 200 TDI! YOU DO SAY SILLY THINGS!!! yours looks like an ice cream van

Errr, mine's a JE Engineering tuned V8. Just think that it just might have a few more horses. :p

Mmmmmmh, I looooovvvvvve ice cream
wHAT DO YOU MEAN??? IT HAS MORE GUTS THAN A 200 TDI! YOU DO SAY SILLY THINGS!!! yours looks like an ice cream van

I like pokey vans, but hate gaylandeers coz they are crap, infact I'd rather shoot myself in the balls wif an elephunt gun.

And yer gona have to upgrade yur vocabulary, "silly fings" is no good, tell him ees a fook head and ees talkin ****.

But welcome to the zone and give as good as you get, and enjoy.
i will not be frightened off by an ice cream van driver my grandad had a better milk float v12 super charged..... errrrr more horses i think
Nice one, and he drove the fastest milk float in west eh?

Anyhoo, welcome to the loony zone, your gonna need a sense of humour and possible a very thick skin with yer red gaylander.

Night, night
I like pokey vans, but hate gaylandeers coz they are crap, infact I'd rather shoot myself in the balls wif an elephunt gun.

And yer gona have to upgrade yur vocabulary, "silly fings" is no good, tell him ees a fook head and ees talkin ****.

But welcome to the zone and give as good as you get, and enjoy.
i think your really red with envy, how can you honestly say you wouldnt want a freelander they are fantastic rather than daft little discos

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