
New Member
ello, good to meet you. My name is Caroline...Caro
Can anyone advise me...
Ive always fancied a Land Rover. Im going to start a business in the next year and one of these would be perfect for me.
My sisters other half is a car dealer and has picked up 3 1990 white Land Rover Defender 90 TD5's from the Highways Agency. They were used as escort vehicles through a tunnel. They all have about 300K on the clock.

He has offered one to me for a small profit to him at £4250.

I test drove one yesterday and it was fantastic. I will be getting rid of my car so I will be using it every day.

I took the same one on a second drive and then it lost power and the engine light came on. After switching the engine off it was fine and then the same thing happened again.

OK so this may be just the one I drove so Im getting one of the other ones looked over tomorrow by a mechanic mate.

a) does the money sound fair with such high mileage although it will have been highly maintained and with no off roading.
b) what should I be looking out for with a Land Rover of this age.

I will be getting a loan for part of it which is something I have never done before to buy a car.
any advice gratefully received...

Aye sounds pricey to me anorl. have a look at what they go for on Brightwells auction site as he'll have got them from somewhere similar.
welcome caroline
1990 won't be td5 engine
engine fault if it is td5 (year wrong) might be oil in the wiring loom- search on here
price wot sean sez-only a small profit for bro-in-law:eek:
£4250 is way too high. 300k on a TD5 is bloody high mileage.I'd expect to pay a max of £2500.
My 1999 TD5 110 Hard Top Had 117k on it, Ex Enviro Agency, FSH, £4000 inc Vat, Indemnity and delivery. From Brightwells.
sorry caro,but if you had a plonker he would be pulling it.way too high on his price.:eek:
300k ?? As an escort vehicle through a tunnel? Do the maths Caro..thats 100 miles a day, assuming a 5 day week...every day for 19 years...I smell summat fishy...way overpriced...and 3 of them???? Where is this tunnel that is so busy it needs 3 landys to escort in effect 300 miles a day!!!!
Although you say it hasn't been off-road you can bet those 90's have been worked hard, pulling broken down trucks outta tunnels. As others have said they sound rather over priced.

Dartford tunnel has a fleet of Disco's for escort duties. I think they upgraded to 3/4's recently so may have some well worn ones to dispose of, or there are usually a good few ex-police Disco's and 90/110's around at the auctions, and they're often good value cuase no-ones really interested on account of the pieces cut out of the dash etc for extra equipement.
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yeah cheers its a GF52 numberplate

have i got the year wrong?

ive got the bug now so ill be looking around.

many thanks...will be back soon

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