
Active Member
My Range lever is stuck in high. Don't use it very often and the last time I remember is a few months ago. Use it every so often to keep it working .Always worked for the last 9 years.
Anyway, problem. Lever will only move forward about half an inch then stops. \got fed up covering in WD40 and other sprays that I asked my local garage who do all my repairs to try.They say the sideshaft? is free.
After 2 days still the same. Is this a top off the box now? I saw a video a while back where the mechanic had cut a hole in the side of the tunnel for access and to show whats what.
Cannot find it again. Can someone help with the video and any/all suggestions what to do next

Jim A
1996 300YTdi auto(Jap reimport)
don't cut a hole in the side of the tunnel that was a fcukwit with a grinder.

freeing it up has been covered a million times just search and one of the many many threads will give you an answer
If you get under the car with some penetrating oil from under and squirt it on a few times it will come free again.
I agree not to cut a hole, just tried to find the video. Eyes going square reading all the search items I found before posting. Must have used Gallons of WD40 and other penetrating oils. I don't go off roading but like to make sure everything works.
The lever only goes forward about halfinch and no further.as I said was working fine till recently.
look on my king cab thread, you can see the linkage if thats what you're wanting, bottom part is what you want to free up where there are two pivots
Have read numbers of threads that say a grubscrew can come loos inside the top of the transfer casing. \my lever moves about half inch and stops. |Is it possible the grubscrew may have come out and is jamming lever?
Just asking anything that comes to mind. Next step could be removing console and getting into top of box.
is this ok

cheers and don,t be too harsh in your replies please

jim A
wasn't a grub screw, odds are its just seized through lack of use. Grub screws are generally torqued right the way up and loctited
Here we go. managed to remove consul.
Got to transfer lever assy and top riveted as said. Not able to drill out rivets so cut a slit in rubber boot and managed to get lots of WD40 and spray grease down into the top of the box.
Here is my next problem. On reassembling I cannot get the cable for the handbrake to
i fit back onto the handle. The rod for the ratchet lock will not let the cable line up with the hole on the handle. Could the ratchet pawl? have turned over when cable was off or am i missing something simple/

Jim A.
Bear with me please. Learning lots about Disco and being nearly 72 its not all easy.
Do you mean from under the vehicle. And what has happened to my handle.

Jim A
no idea on the handbrake without looking at it….on mine I just pulled it a bit tighter I think and then bent something a little cos I'd knocked it

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