
New Member
Hi, I'm new to landyzone & it looks like I got things arse backwards asking questions before I introduced myself , hope apologies accepted.
I'm a Brit living here in Alberta Canada near Edmonton been here for about 10 years . Work as a heavy equipment mechanic on surface mining equipment. I was around land rovers early on in my career but never had the chance to own one. Currently looking at resurrecting a 1987 ex military 110 diesel , motor is blown so it may end up with non oem power, some other stuff robbed before it was released. Looking a doing things on a reasonable budget so will try & utilize used parts form other land rovers that become available here as new parts a expensive here due to added shipping costs. Current wheels Dodge Durango 4.7 V8 (hog on gas) & Triumph Daytona 1200. Look forward to communicating with members in the future.
Welcome to loony zoon, glad to see you have a proper land rover and not one of them gaylander jobs [emoji3]

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