Ok, let's try. Many years ago I rebuilt and uprated a 1972 Series 111 Safari. I fitted dual line brakes and to do so I fitted complete master cylinder, housing and pedal. The whole unit is in your hand after a few bolts on the bulkhead. I had the unit of a long wheelbase series but that had been considerably modified by others before it was smashed so I am not sure of the unit's origin. The result was that the brake pedal was a little lower than the clutch pedal. Not noticeable when driving and it has been fine for years. If I can I will try and put a photo to this.
But my problem has appeared many years later. I am now probably older than most of your Dads and in getting to this age I have got bigger and stiffer and my problem is that I have difficulty in raising my foot to the clutch pedal. I have no problem with the brake pedal I fitted, it is the original clutch that is the problem. The difference between them is very small and a new driver never notices it but it is becoming a very serious to me.
I am convinced that if I could get hold of a clutch pedal unit to match the brake pedal unit I wouldn't have a problem. The original pedal dropped 8.5 inches from the bulkhead, was on a "u" section shaft with a single return spring. The pedal was 3"x3.5" inches with horizontal grip in the pad. To match the existing brake pedal I need a clutch pedal that drops 9.5 inches and is mounted on a flat piece of steel mounted on edge and fitted with a return spring each side. The pedal is about 3inches square with vertical grip in the pad.
I will try the photo with this but if anyone can identify exactly what I need I will be very much obliged and even better if anyone has one consider it sold.
If you have got this far thanks for staying with me. I've got the photos on and am feeling very pleased with myself.
Cheers Peter

Hi Peter,

Now we know what vehicle you are asking about. A nice sounding old girl, Got any pics of the outside? we like piccies....

You may be better served posting in the Series section. As there may be someone who has the answer you need in there.
Copy your post above and post a new thread in the section that the link above will take you to.

Hope you find your answer.


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