
New Member
Hi to site and potentially new to 4x4 ownership. The Mrs would like one as her MGF ain't up to the rural way of like! will have a look around....

How do I get into the 4sale section? I'm getting a message saying its locked.
Hello and welcome, the for sale section isnt up and running yet, the forum was hacked a while back and you know things take a time to get back to normal;)

Open to ideas. We have a large saloon (Omega) that goes like a train...well a fast car anyway! Looking for a 4x4 to replace or run alongside our MGF.

Have tried a pajero 2.5d....not impressed with felt a bit wimpish all over. A bit surprised by the 4x4 prices as well...not exactly cheep!
Haven't decided how much yet...Am ok with the spanners so could be tempted around the £2k area so we can keep the MG for now. Of could trade/sell that and head for the £5k+....

More concerned at the state of the disco bodywork that I've seen. A £3k vehicle can look really tatty round the edges..given that we are unlikely to do any real off roading (just rural living) I'm looking for something smart.
You might be right. Going to get the Mrs to test drive one first as it is she who is interested in it for work.
Hate to say it, but I'm with the Yella fella on this one.

Ere' Chris, wanna buy a sticker too?
Hmm... although, the only reason to own a MGF is pose value, or unless you really liked the colour!

If it's a pose value 4x4 she's after then a 90 is probably a little higher up the scale in the landy 'scene' than a disco (unless the disco is a really nice colour ;) )

You'll get a lot more disco for your money than you would 90 or 110 - I paid 3k for a cosmetically tatty '93 L plate 90 CSW tdi with an unprovable 110k on the clock. I reckon I did pretty well, compared the recent ads I've seen. Around the same time I was seeing '95 Discos for about the same money, miles and approximate condition.

Either a disco or a defender will be pretty much of a muchness on or off road, disco will be a little more comfy is all.


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